Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

Make it 7. It understand this type of stuff means very little to you but not everyone is the same.

The 7 sons will be fine, they’d get over it.

You’d have to shout for your sons so you could rock into the local that night while they are all miserable and roar out “ye’ll win nothing without us”

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Club, if it’s a black v white choice. He’d get over it.

We’re living in our home parish anyway so tis all theoretical.

Fair enough you mad cunt. Might want to up your hugs output with the young fella in anticipation!

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It’s actually completely opposite to that to be honest. The youngfella is playing with the club he should be playing with. Fellas rearing their children in Limerick or Laois with other county jerseys on them are fucking weirdos, but that’s absolutely nothing like a this. opposite surely?

If he understood loyalty properly he’d completely understand. He’s not a soft little bollox ffs, what are you rearing at all? :roll_eyes:

They’re both equally bizarre acts.

It’s bizarre behaviour trying to imprint your county onto a child.

It’s bizarre behaviour wanting to see your own child, the one you coached since he could walk, lose and instead cheering on some chap who you barely even know against him.

And drop your cock onto the bar and roar at them all about what that created

I don’t live in the parish of my home club but my son plays with them. No question of anything different ever being allowed to happen.

You’ll still get the fools with the “he should be hurling with us” line whenever we meet them though.

Are your old club better than club in your new parish ?? Are the clubs rivals ??

If we move to the nearby town and my young lad correctly starts Hurling with his new club, you want me to transfer my loyalty to his new club over my own who I have played with, coached with and been involved running for my whole life?? :laughing:

I’ll coach his new club teams, I’ll support them every game they play, I’ll get involved in the running of the club. But go into the stand and start shouting for that new club against my own??

Not a fucking chance. I’d stay at home instead that day.


Tis a bad act to go against your own flesh and blood.

Fuck him, he’ll be grand, your club is your club and his club is his.

Your own flesh and blood, your own loins

Apologies Flatty. I was agreeing with you and incredulous at the other lad

You’re an awful man :smile:

"Hey all six sons that make up the entire spine of the club ye represent which somehow must have escaped my notice, I hope ye all lose, and badly cos forty years ago I was on the panel, ye shower of cunts "


A lot of lads here who seem to have a very come day go day attitude towards club loyalty, hardly surprising. The type that goes to every Limerick game or Galway game or at least spouts shite on the internet about it and has a no link to their club.

I wouldn’t expect you to understand, you’re from a club in Galway City yeah? :laughing:

I love my children more than the hurling club, yes.

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