Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

And the flag. The Clare corner is well gone thank god.

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Jim used be adamant that Junior players shouldn’t be selected for the county panel. I wonder what he thought of the Limerick panel over the last few years?

He probably thought there wasn’t enough from Kilmallock on it.


He was delighted with all our under age success until we started beating the Balbec more often than not at senior over the last decade.




+1. You’d be an odd fucker if you shouted against your own flesh and blood

Blood is thicker than water I suppose

Would you fuck off. You’d want your new club to beat them and your sons to start and win the fight with the sons of a former neighbor.


You’ll have to live and learn with this one I’m afraid. They’re out there I’m telling you, they’re out there.

Are ye telling me that if your youngfella is hurling against your club you’d be actively hoping and supporting his club against your own??

What the fuck??

You’ve only one club lads. The youngfella has his club. You can support him every other day. But to support a team against your own…?? Fuckin hell, I’m gobsmacked.

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I believe you’d be a right bad fucker to want to see your own flesh and blood lose, to anyone.

This is up there with them weirdos who settle in another county and then dress their kids up in the jersey of their own county instead of the one they’re growing up in.

Each to their own though.

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Don’t know why you’re pointing your profanity at me mate 🤷

Them Clare fellas are odd out

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It’s a win win situation.

You said six. This is the mother of all backtracks, for shame.

“Hey 12 year old Son, i put my my love and support of my club ahead of my passion and encouragement for you in this sport” Really?

If your son played for Bruree against yere selves in a county final how would you feel?

This is the acid test lads.

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I admit that the thoughts of Bruree and the Bouncers did cross my mind as I typed that. I’d never put myself in a position of having one of mine living in either cesspit though


You’re not putting anything ahead of him for fuck sake, you’re just not actively shouting for or hoping for your club to be beaten. It’s very simple. I could never envisage hoping my club would lose a game

So you’re preferred outcome is what- your kid winning or your club winning?