Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

Dreamland alright.

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Youā€™re right there. Heā€™s come on loads but it also shows the difference of playing in a struggling team versus playing in a dominant team.

A nadir

Would he get on the Limerick squad?

Weā€™ll need a replacement for Deccie in a few years.

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Imagine 40 years ago. Two all Irelands and nine * all stars.

You loves your county

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Will you make up your mind will you ffs, one minute Inter County Hurling means nothing to you, youā€™d take it or leave it, youā€™d have more meas in a British Junior B Championship youā€™d be playing in yourself, or the girls matches you do be reffing, and the next minute youā€™re on the Limerick GAA thread commenting on Inter County All Ireland success and Inter County All Stars :rollseyes:

Well played @flattythehurdler

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Heā€™s very mixed up. I think he doth protest too much.

Just chew the fish and move on.

Itā€™s OK mate, you were wrong about Nicky but thereā€™s no need to be hanging around the Limerick thread looking for someone to row in behind.

Yeā€™re all seething, we get it :+1:

Every since Hannon and Lynch started coming to Laois for their Hurleyā€™s theyā€™ve been unbeatable.

I am in my fuck, see Iā€™m enjoying it all. You are heavily invested in a group of young lads to the point of ā€œ fighting ā€œ online for the cause.

Gas sad cunt.

Heā€™s got a job to do on the internet. And by god he does it well.

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tenor (10)

ā€œfighting onlineā€ :laughing:

Ah shtopā€¦

ā€˜Young lads want to be LimĀ­erĀ­ick hurlers, they see sucĀ­cess, role modĀ­elsā€™

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Heā€™s chewing the maggot.

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No, ā€œ heā€™s devouring it ā€œ