Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

He has nothing to say about the doping programme.

Good piece, Ollie Moran would easily make it in the punditry stakes if he wanted to.

Always has an interesting perspective on things.

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Sure you couldn’t go doping lads like Johnny Glynn, James Skehill or Conor Whelan, there’s enough natural dope in them lads without adding to it in fairness


Natural dope :rofl:

Imagine doping the slack jawed Cooney brothers from St. Thomas’, for fuck sake they’re drooling out the mouth as it is

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Theres been several comparisons thrown out over the last few months, for me it boils down to the treatment of the grassroots clubs, players volunteers and coachs. These are the real heros in the gaa and get some recognition whereas its the opposite in rugby in Limerick outside those involved

Shure they couldn’t afford two eyebrows back then

Jesus lads it’d break out on the back of a hatchet, never knew the Cooneys had Limerick ancestry


You’re trying very hard, I admire it

I’d say that one stung hard

Unreal. As bad as the avatar changes in the lead up to the Semi Final

OK mate, if you say so. Keep googling there :laughing:

Over 24 hours later and @carryharry and @myboyblue are still seething.

Fascinating to watch :popcorn:

You ever read the Bible, Brett?

fascinating study :popcorn:

Say ‘fascinating’ again. Say ‘fascinating’ again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, say fascinating one more Goddamn time.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: unreal @flattythehurdler definitely matching ears