Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

hannon will be in the most congested area of the pitch, he will in his hole.

Cork have gone wide against us and got joy previously. I’d say they might go after Nash

Another A I there for us. Lovely stuff.

Anytime anybody turns inside on Kyle and Byrnes they immediately foul.

Cork management will have spotted this and they’ll look to exploit it.

In the past cork targeted Morrissey but Kyle is in his place now.

If you want to get joy against limerick in my opinion it’ll be straight down the middle.

Hannon drops and Will O’Donoghue drops - best of luck with it

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Thanks very much. Good luck now.

Hannon is by far and away our best distributor of the ball and can make Gillane look like a scoring machine with the type of ball he delivers in. Cork wont want the ball anywhere near him. If anything Cork will try and push for short puck outs and drop the ball into the space behind the half back line and try to expose any lack of pace in behind

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If lads are turning in and running straight at hannon I’m not sure his distribution will be a big factor in these situations.

if lads are turning in they’ll run straight into Will O’Donoghue and that’ll be that

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He’s a prime offender for giving away frees and can easily end up a yellow card. You need to be targeting him in my opinion.

You won’t get any joy taking on limerick on in aerial duels but if cork can devise a puck out strategy to retain the ball they’ve a huge chance.

If I was trying to beat limerick on Saturday I’d be looking to keep Byrnes and Kyle as wide as possible and turn inside and run at the middle.

Limerick will foul all day long when teams cut inside. You’ll get joy out of it imo.

They might not get a chance to run at them. I think Limerick will press up on the Cork puck out and try and force them to go long. They do that and they can drop all the balls they want into that half back line and they’ll be cleaned out.

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Will that’s very true cork mightn’t have the players but that’s the way I’d go about it anyway.

Well that’s the key isn’t it? If Cork have more possession than us, they certainly have loads of pace to hurt us, they’d hurt any team. They have some really nice forwards if they can get the ball in hand.

But setting up a puckout strategy to dominate against Limerick is very very difficult to do, fair play to them if they do. They caught us in 2019 with a very basic puckout strategy which didn’t work against anybody else. In 2018, they relied on Nash pinging runners coming deep but it collapsed in both games as they tired.

We’ll let their full-back line have it and press then. Their full-back line really lack hurling. If they go long & high, I can’t see us not getting on top with the half-back line & midfield we have.

So they’ll try and hit runners in the middle third, create space; but that’s why we’ll sit off just a little to allow their full-back line receive it and drop back enough to close the space and put enough doubt in Collins’ head.

Their best hope is the ref blows the whistle nice & early, and that Limerick are slow to reset (which would be unacceptable) and they get the ball back in play very quickly. I think at their best, Cork used to get the ball back in play inside 6 seconds on average, which is very hard for teams to defend against.


Ya to be fair it’s a big if.

Very Interesting point about the ref allowing quick puck outs. I hadn’t thought of that. They’ll need a ref to call frees and probably hand out a few yellows too.

It’ll be exciting to see how The full forward line go. I wonder will Gillane and Flanagan be in a two man line at times with Casey drifting around.

Honestly, I think Limerick will win by 6-10 points pulling up. Cork haven’t shown their hand, maybe. Limerick certainly haven’t shown theirs. They haven’t picked a full first team yet. If there’s one team you don’t want to be trying to play from the back against its Limerick. Unless Limerick have really gone backwards, and there’s no good evidence that they have, they will be far too strong for cork.

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Cody of “we dont do tactics fame”, figured this out years ago and KK disembowel the Cork puckout every time we play them as a result. Sit off the Cork fullback backline and wait for the them on the 45. Dublin went man for man on the Cork puckouts last yr and the Cork forwards destroyed them with dummy runs and won a heap of possession from Nash.

It’s crazy going man-to-man all over, because that allows them to create the space for their runners to run onto.

If you have that much pace and are lacking natural ballwinners (aerially or on the ground), you want to avoid 50/50 contests as much as possible. You want to get your players running onto the ball so that they can pick & use their pace immediately. If they have to stop and wait for it, that’s when they get hit & turned over.

If you close the space, they find it difficult to get a ball without contest. Now, there are workarounds for sure; they could overload one side and try and win the breaks through sheer weight of numbers but I fancy Limerick vs Cork in most contests for possession in the middle third.

Denis Walsh in the Times reckons Cork need 5 goals to win. I reckon 3 and they go v close to winning.

This talk of targeting Hannon…teams have attempted to target Hannon since 2018 and bar him being unwell v KK in 2019 they’ve largely failed to do it. I get the thinking behind it, absolutely. But since WOD has taken his starting place there’s very few times we get badly exposed through the centre, we’re just too clever to allow that to happen.

I think Cork are a team that can cause anyone problems but this idea that in the modern game you can survive without consistent long puckout options is nonsense. They will evolve into a team completely reliant on short puckouts and running it from deep. If they attempt to go long teams will eat them over the course of 70 minutes as it’ll be heavily reliant on Harnedy winning dirty ball.

The biggest problem they have of course is they simply don’t have the hurlers in defence to do thus well enough. All teams need to do is let their FB line take it short and press hard once they strike to their players in the middle third. Their FB line players don’t have the distribution skills to hurt opposition teams with deliveries from outside their 21. Cahalane balooning it from about 30m out while Flanagan hunts him down is a going to be meat and drink for the wall of Kyle Hayes, Byrnes, Hannon, WOD, Nash sitting around our own 45. Trying to thread it through the lines will be high risk with Limerick’s organisation and work rate and I can see a lot of turnovers in that instance in areas that we’ll immediately score from

Limerick 1-30
Cork 0-25

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Be nice if we tried scoring a goal.