Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

Any result from the Oola/Na Piarsaigh game?


Thatā€™s the only group with something to play for in Round 3 so, albeit Na P will have to beat Adare to avoid the relegation playoff. Wonā€™t happen.

I followed you in kidā€¦ Ive enough to pay for a ticket now

Iā€™ll be buying another 12 jƤger bombs tonight so I will.


Just back from Croke Park after seeing Limerick humiliate Cork by 16 points in an All-Ireland senior hurling final, sealing the back-to-back and a third title in 36 months.

(Almost as many as Clare in 130 years).

The hunt for La Decima is over. Thatā€™s the legacy secured. Immortality achieved. Beating the likes of Galway and Waterford in a final is all well and good but to gruesomely butcher one of our fellow Big 4 teams in a final is the pinnacle. A cold, clinical dismantling of Corkness. Some amount of soul searching in the English Market this morning.

When that bluffer, spoofer and charlatan Derek Del Boy McGrath was bigging up Cork all week I knew which way it was going. Made a nice few pound on Limerick -15, but was made to sweat for it unnecessarily.

Lynch is the best hurler of his generation. Heā€™s better than TJ Reid. Whereas the likes of Joe Canning and Tony Kelly will be remembered as nice hurlers who won an All-Ireland, Lynch will go down as a double HOTY and he has the three Celtic Crosses to show for it. Thatā€™s before you come to the likes of Quaid, Sean Finn, Hannon, Big Seamus and co. And Hego, the darling of the Limerick support. Youā€™d want to have been some ape to have said heā€™d not make it at intercounty level. There might be a post floating around from a few years back saying ā€œhe doesnā€™t have the hurling.ā€ He does have 3 medals now though. You might dig out that post @iron_mike please.

Can someone update the summer hurling record of Kiely and Kinnerk too. A tactical masterclass. The Rock is a deep thinker of the game, it was always going to take something special to unlock that Rebel defence. Kiely and Kinnerk came up with the blueprint, the players implemented it.

Fair play to Cork. We all like Cork hurling. They always bring great colour. Sadly for them though, you can field as many Olympic sprinters in a team as you like but it wonā€™t matter a damn if they canā€™t hurl. The likes of Meade and that Jack Oā€™Connor chap are all nice hurlers but theyā€™d have been more use out in Tokyo.

And when you are relying on the likes of that giraffe at full back, the gym bunny Oā€™Donoghue, the shit Cadogan, both Cahalaneā€™sā€¦ Kieran Kingston did an incredible job to get such a limited group of players to a final. In fairness to him Seamus Harnedy was one of the few to not throw the towel in, he kept going when the game was over and Iā€™d respect that.

When you are relying on a Limerick castoff in Darragh Fitzgibbon to provide the steel in midfieldā€¦ :man_shrugging: WOD chewed him up and spat him back out.

Look, the Cork boys have their rowers to fall back on. They were very gracious after. As one of them remarked to me in the beer garden - ā€œit was an honour and privilege to see that Limerick team in the flesh today.ā€

What now for one of the greatest teams the sport has ever known? If the management team step down then who knows. If our de facto leader Caroline Currid departs that would leave a colossal void. Christ, sheā€™d have some job on her hands trying to get inside the heads of those Tipp and Cork players after their capitulations in the Munster & All-Ireland finals respectively.

Even if they never win another game the legacy is secured. Better than any Tipp team over the last 60 years, better than Galway ā€˜87/ā€˜88, better than Loughnaneā€™s Clare. Considerably better.

Croke Park was heaving. Such a great feeling to return to normality. The pubs were back to normal, hugs at full time, handshakes back in vogue. Holohan would have been seething as people enjoyed themselves. Another lockdown is imminent, sadly it has come too late for the Cork senior hurling team 2021. They have the Taoiseach, Limerick has Liam MacCarthy.

The ā€œole oleā€™sā€ in the last few minutes. Hannon walking off, punching the air with a clenched fist. Gillaneā€™s bullet finish. Graeme Mul coming on and reminding Coleman of 2018. Peter Casey sending the corner back for fish and chips. The bants at the toll in Portlaoise. So many wonderful memories of the day.

In a few years weā€™ll probably be back down at the level of a Wexford or Laois but we can enjoy this team while we can. Theyā€™ve been there and done that. Won the lot and won it handsomely.

Now, I think itā€™s time to throw on The Sunday Game.


This is the post youā€™re looking for. However in fairness and kudos to @Big_Dan_Campbell , he did say he was wrong.


Just the 2-02 for Hego yesterday.


Classless post really.

Anyway congrats to Limerick, an incredible team. :clap:

Thanks pal.

We know they are incredible alright.

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Oh my ā€¦ :smile:

I found myself nodding my head in agreement with a lot of that.


Iā€™m delighted for you. After missing the 2018 semi you needed to see Limerick beating Cork for closure


4 points from frees for limerick is a ridiculous stat.

Says it all about the cork intensity as well

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Maybe so. Hoggie got 12 points. If Iā€™m correct heā€™s 4 off canning? Will he go again?

Funny that. I said something similar after Tipp conceded little or no frees against Waterford and I was vilified

Lynch is without a doubt the best hurler in the game at the minute, better even than Tony Kelly, albeit that he has the luxury of being on a much stronger team. He appears to be impossible to mark and takes up fantastic positions, probably due to an inate hurling intelligence. He scored his first point from the 65 on the Hogan Stand side. His second touch was on the 21 in the Cusack Stand side setting up the goal. How do you mark that? And then he slowed down and surveyed his options without actually slowing his feet. The pass to Hegarty wasnā€™t the obvious pass when Lynch turned for goal, Hegarty arrived late but it was the obvious pass by the time Lynch decided it was the best option.
Lynch will be Hurler of the Year this year. He will be the second Hurler of the Year to graduate from Minor Hurlingā€™s annus mirabilus of 2013, a year that gave us not only Lynch and Gleeson but talents like Tom Morrissey, Barry Nash, Conor Whelan, Conor McDonald, Stephen Bennett and Patrick Curran. Unlike his uncle, Pa Carey, who was the outstanding minor of 1984, Lynch didnā€™t win the minor All Ireland but he has conquered all before him at senior.


He will Iā€™d say

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