Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

Agreed. TnaG even had to use a different font type to get his name included when he replaced Pat Ryan


Gotcha. Thought you were confusing the two. How he ever got a team again after that is just beyond me. I got banned from AFR for posting what he confirmed in his solicitors statement that time.

To be honest Leo is a grand guy and a pretty good coach. He made a mistake on that one and should never have denied it. He eventually held his hand up.

I recorded the match and watched it when I came back from it. John Kielyā€™s pre and post match interviews were very good. He stressed pre match that Limerick has only one goalā€¦A senior All Ireland and his role was to prepare players for that.


I donā€™t think John was much of a hurler to be fair.

Hegarty has two major decisions to make.
If he wants to play hurling at inter-county level he will need to change club for hurling.

A different discussion but if we are to promote hurling he should be allowed play football for one club and hurling for a senior club ( and still play junior with Pats if he wants to,

If he wants to play football he will be the next John Galvin. Unfortunately he will be ploughing a lonely furrow.

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Surely the performance of last yearā€™s minors on Saturday evening only copperfastens the point that Brian Ryan fucked away two minor All-Irelandā€™s?


Hegarty would be as well off staying with football, for all his athleticism and ability in the air he is far too slow in his hurling and his swing is far too wide and all the training in the world wouldnā€™t bridge the gap needs at senior inter county level. The other two lads in the half back line look to have plenty of potential though


I feel sorry for the guy but it was a monumental fuck up of his own making and should never have happened. I donā€™t want to go into it much more but Kiely is better for a number of reasons. Agree with @Elvis_Brandenberg_Kr on Ryan, he made a hash of that job with every possible advantage, players and coaches and support.

Eh no, no itā€™s not. Itā€™s under 21 and should be treated accordingly. They should consider calling off the club games the weekend of the final but thatā€™s about it. Maybe put them on the Sunday so as not to clash with the game itself.

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He may have. And I was fcuking raging after last years final with him in particular for the way the team was set up.

But the guys that are appointed TJ, Leo fcuked up far earlier but it wasnā€™t in Croke Park.
The Munster minor final in 13 was a game we should have been beaten in and we drew that match against the run of play. Anyone that was at the game would have come away saying Waterford were the better team. The replay in Thurles we wiped the floor with them Even though they scored 4 goals. Brian Ryan may not be the best coach around but he got that team to perform a number of times that year and the next. They got beat in Croke Park and that is a cardinal sin in Limerick.

TJ and Leo had good teams that they couldnā€™t get to Croke Park ā€¦ They are absolved.

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Iā€™d tend to agree, but a good intermediate set up might bring his hurling up to the level.

Jerry Wallace.

Iā€™d cut TJ some slack, there was a lot of emphasis on the senior team with those players when he had that group I think. Thatā€™s not to say I wouldnā€™t be supportive of Kiely supplanting him next year.

Gearoid is a fine hurler but the slowness in his striking is mainly down to the poor level of club hurling heā€™s played. St. Patrickā€™s donā€™t take hurling particularly seriously and football will always be number one there.

I agree that he will only continue to improve by being involved at county level. The Intermediates had a fine set up this year and were unlucky not to win the Munster championship. Excellent against Clare and Tipp and unlucky against Cork. Hegarty would certainly have been part of that panel only for his involvement with the county senior footballers. They had Peter Nash on the panel but saw very little of him for the same reason.

If Gearoid concentrates on hurling gong forward, which I think he will, Iā€™d certainly have him involved. You can coach speed of striking and he has all the other attributes required.


You can but you have to be realistic as to how much improvement you can make. His swing is terrible and it is very hard to rectify something like that in a lad who is 21 years of age. To go from the level he is currently at to being able to senior championship hurling would be a huge leap, I doubt you would find many examples of lads who have made similar improvements as Hegarty has. He is more than raw, he has serious technical limitations that a decent club side would exploit let alone I/C sides

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It would certainly be a big leap but itā€™s not beyond the bounds of possibility. His reading, tackling, ballwinning, speed and attitude are spot-on. He needs concentrated coaching on a particular area of his game. Heā€™d actually be a serious asset at centre-forward down the road. Bonner Maher needs an acre of space to hit the ball but heā€™s one of the most effective players in the game at the minute.


Have to say that I agree with the Clareman here.

Heā€™s rarely wrong on matters such as this

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The Clareman is the premier hurling and soccer analyst on here.

Only by default since the Dunph left.


Looking likely that the football down for next week will be postponed!!