Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

Peter Casey is a massive loss so a big chance for one of the other 3 to win it this year

Doon recently beat the well albeit with a numerical advantage for big portion of the game . Barry Murphy will be a big loss for them though

Mike Casey is equally big a loss, if not more so, commands his area and shuts down opposition full forwards.

The Well had SOB sent off before the throw-in wasn’t it?

I’d take the group game stuff with a pinch of salt tbh.

Yes : Na P are still the team to beat but they are more vulnerable than the bookies suggest

They could be vulnerable to an ambush in semi final -

Yes and agree

What is the prognosis on Mike Casey ??

Kevin O Brien & yes the group stage is all shadow boxing. The same 4 will reach the semis. It’s a snoozefest of a championship until the semis.


Didn’t thurles hammer nap recently in a challenge ?

Good one mate

would you ever lave him off :smiley:

A few of the Limerick lads driven demented when a few home truths about the state of the club game in the county is laid bare.

It’s too much fun


Willie Connors

Little did we know what was to come back in 13.

No one will stop this train for the next 10 years and counting. They put us back on the map. So happy they rocked up and are showing us the way it’s done. To mention one name would be an injustice to the rest. Praise the Lord we have them.

That was a great day.


A memorable day for the ccha clan :+1:

Don’t know where you are going with Thurles Sarsfields

It obvious there is a massive demand for a winter club hurling champions league.
The two finalists from top tier counties like Limerick, Cork, Tipp & Kilkenny and then the winners from the likes of Laois, Clare and Galway.

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Any county into double digit All-Ireland wins and who has put together a back-to-back in the last 50 years gets two spots, everyone else gets one slot each.