Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)


Fuck Limerick

Tipp the back of me bollox

Give it a rest will you ffs, you were bleating last week for Boylan to start corner back and also want Mr. Attitude Ronan Lynch on the panel, a wet paper bag would defend better ffsā€¦ and you havenā€™t shut up about Dowling since he retired.

Yet you didnā€™t have a fucking notion whether Mike Casey had the cruciate done or not when it happened :rollseyes:

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@balbec put a bit of order on them, itā€™s getting unseemly

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Flanagan had a very good league in 2019 but didnā€™t impress in any of his Championship appearances tbh; his touch was off and was possibly slightly unfit.

He looked very sharp during the league again this year, and looked very lively the last day. I think he offers a huge amount, canā€™t be understated. But Casey is classy too.

Thatā€™s the stuff. Letā€™s make this feel more like a munster championship weekend you Limerick cunt

Itā€™s not just his own game. He is brilliant at creating space for Gillane which is huge for Limerick.

@balbec would make a serious party whip

We could play ming flanagan corner forward and beat this shower.

Ye gowls

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Lk will win the all Ireland this year and letā€™s not kid ourselves , the Lk team and management wonā€™t let what is said here upset preparations .


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Weā€™re at our most dangerous when at each others throats sure. That and heat. Sweltering heat.

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Would cannabis be a prohibited substance ???

Flanagan gives us a different option when he starts, I honestly do think he takes the emphasis off Gillane in terms of opposition backs having to set themselves up against us.

Sunday might be an ideal time to give him a start as Peter Casey is a better impact sub than him to be honest.

Would be harsh on Casey, but I think we need to switch it up a bit this week and then bring in 2 or 3 forwards to see the job out.


Thatā€™s a kick in the Fanny

True, I suppose the big difference with the inside players in the corner is that being quick off the mark over short distances is huge. Nash is a lovely hurlder but is loose and also probably just doesnā€™t have that sharpness, ditto Byrnes. It will be interesting see what we do.

Iā€™d be of the same thought, and it also gives us the option of playing a 2 man and letting Mulcahy roam a bit.

The thing is, and this wasnā€™t really shown last week, but Iā€™ve never seen a club forward in Limerick turn in slow ground like Casey.

Iā€™ll be happy either way, but have always suspected Flanagan will take a team for serious goals som day.


Wait until itā€™s knockout

I am the man who knocks.

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