Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

We participated as far as I recall but we didn’t bother competing.

In one of those games I thought Big Rob Ryan had started for Tipp, but it was just Big Bubbles O’Dwyer


Who’s Big Rob Ryan anyway?

You’d know him to see him.

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He man handled the gosling off the pitch down in the new PUC back in 2018

Ah yes. Seems like a pig ignorant cunt

Could senior teams not nominate 25 players or something that wouldn’t be eligible ? It’s 15 at the moment isn’t it?

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3 or 4 lads would never see the field in a championship match

I like the idea of one group being made up of all the second teams, I think that is the fairest arrangement. That way whoever comes out will have whoever they were going to burn burnt at that stage and all teams are in the same boat.
I wouldn’t agree with a second championship solely for them.

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That works if there is the right number of teams to fit into the groups.

Obviously, you only have 2 at intermediate level.

Quick tally would say there are 7 at junior level. (Now, Ahane & Blackrock are probably harmless enough, realistically, but I suppose you can’t discriminate either).

Ah ya I was only talking about junior. Intermediate there’s not much you can do.

Possibly a ridiculous idea but how about a partial reverse burning.

If a player is used at lower grade for one match, cannot be part of first/next championship match panel at the higher grade, next two if played two etc.

Ah I don’t think that would work either; what would happen if you got an injury or two on your senior team, and you couldn’t play any of your junior players as a sub?

Ya, and probably a bit convoluted anyway but would be one way of segregating the two panels a bit.

The strong second teams are the logical follow on of urban super clubs . I can see Na P : Monaleen and MSP fielding intermediate teams to buttress senior team within a decade

Who know’s maybe Monaleens second team might make it to senior and their first team could stay below

You’d only discourage borderline senior players from playing junior then

The premier intermediate is the best competition in Limerick bar none

TFK has given this status to the greatest Championship in the country, the Box Office Woodlands House Hotel County Junior A Hurling Championship