Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

The 8 teams is a balls for scheduling purposes but, in a good year, it makes for great entertainment.

2018 was a slight disappointment from a neutral perspective as there was a clear top 4 and bottom 4. But Blackrock stayed up (almost on a technicality) and won it the following year.

Who are favourites this year?

Monaleen will fancy their chances of going back up.

Bruff will be very disappointed with their year last season, depending on who’s over them this year, they should be there or thereabouts.

I think POD gives Effin an X factor too.

NCW could go one better, young Hayes can play adult hurling this year too.

Main talking points from Tuesday night’s County Board Convention on Motions to 2022 Congress:

To introduce U19 inter-county hurling and football championships for a trial period of 3 years, setting aside the U20 championships, Limerick County Board will vote against the motion .

Changing of club name requiring 60% instead of the current 66% member support - LCB will support this.

A club player who has previously transferred to a new club, can return to his previous club, if the previous years championship has not yet finished, and play with said club until the completion of championship - LCB will support this.

A player who is graded by championship status (i.e. senior) cannot play at any lower grade - LCB currently have a by-law that allows a Senior player to change to Intermediate/Junior after the first round of games have been played, if the player has not played in that round. LCB chooses to vote against this motion on the basis of not having players idle at senior level.

If a club wishes to suspend a player, that club will have to advise the CCC to impose said suspension. LCB supports this motion.

The new penalty rule that caused controversy last year, most notably in Clare v Tipp at Gaelic Grounds, has been tweaked. The foul now has to occur at least 25m from the sideline, and inside the 21m line. Anying foul closer than 25m to the sideline will just be a free. LCB supports this motion.

The introduction of a single brand ‘smart sliothar’, where a referee can put his phone next to the sliothar to confirm the dimensions of the ball. The feeling is that there are currently far too many providers of sliothars, upwards of 30 companies in total. Most teams use the Cummins ball but some counties like Kilkenny and Waterford are using O’Neills or Azzurri. Hence Croke Park feel the need for one ball for all games, they want a consistency, with no team favoured by one type of sliothar being used. LCB support this motion.

One delegate for every 10 clubs instead of the current one delegate for every 14 clubs. LCB support this motion.

All adult club players to complete either an online or in-house doping and gambling awareness course, as proposed by the Rathdowney-Errill club. Delegates on the whole were in favour of this - both Chairman and Secretary recognised it will need refining as regards players at lower level i.e. Junior B.
LCB is looking for more feedback from clubs before Saturday on this matter .

Counties will be able to decide for themselves what age group/grades it wishes to have within its own club setup, with no dictation from Munster Council or Croke Park. LCB supports this motion.

Club season to be extended from 14 weeks to 16 weeks in order to allow for replays and match postponements due to bad weather. LCB supports this motion


The main talking points from Wednesday night’s West Board meeting at the salubrious Devon Inn:

Divisional Team
The East Board, seconded by the City Board, have proposed a Divisional Series to be played out, with the winners playing the losers of the 'Senior 'B final. The winners of this would then advance to the County Quarter Final proper. The feeling on the night was mixed, some gave lukewarm support for it, while myself and a couple of other delegates advising to vote against such a series. The South Board have not given any feedback yet. My own personal opinion is that it will not be passed as there doesn’t seem to be enough support for it. It only requires one of the divisions to say ‘no’ to scupper it.

Access to matches / ticketing
“No patron will be refused access to a club match in West Limerick”, so were the words of Mickey Sullivan tonight. Senior citizens having trouble downloading tickets to their phones, or not having access to smart phones, were the main reasons for some supporters being refused access to games in the division last year. It is the plan that a cash facility will be available at every game in 2022, especially for those aforementioned supporters. Patrons under sixteen years of age will be admitted free to all club games in the county.

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Heard mention on the radio or maybe League Sunday that the 25m could be open to referee judgement, but presume we will end up with new lines on the field if this passes.

Lines on the field seems the only way to go. Otherwise it’s a Pandora’s box.

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Definitely, would be a disaster otherwise.

What a slight on the average junior b lad turning out at 12 noon Sunday with a raging hangover

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I think they’re making allowances for the hangover by “refining” it :grin:

Usually :joy:

It wasn’t much of a regular occurrence in the 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s

Mickey never turned away a man with cash in his life


I was working off your timeline. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I hope you get over it eventually.



Limerick GAA does provide a tremendous service to the fans, in fairness.

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No that’s fine. An admittance that anything pre 18 didn’t count. At least you’re honest pal. Best of luck in the leaving cert

What’s to lose for the divisions?

Fixture/training clashes seem to be the main objection to it

Didn’t realise it was one rule for you and one rule for others when it comes to being literal. Enjoy your day.


Órga Retrowear - Shop at on Twitter: “Limerick supporters…help me out here…Why for so long was your crest a blank white shield in your jerseys? :thinking: Is there any story behind this?” / Twitter
Can anybody help this guy out??