Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

Do you think this league will have more relevance than previous years given how close it is to championship?

He said himself in an interview that only for 2x Fitzgibbon League games with NUIG, he didnt pick up a hurley between the Limerick County Final and Christmas which was a 2 month period.

Looks fed up with it all.

He loves the game, probably needs a break. I would imagine he will get it early this year.

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Limerick are back to square one

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Will limerick even field in the championship this year. Will we have to drag a few lads in to tog out to make a team?

As Chippy Brady said about the Italian National Squad in Euro 2004…

“These players are overhyped, overrated and not performing. Thats the bottom line, Bill.”

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I’d imagine the fitzgibbon was just an excercise in not getting injured for him.

Kilmallock broke him

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Except our lads have three AI titles


If these lads never win another match they’ll have done enough.

You couldn’t doubt them though. They’ve never given us reason to.

Six weeks to the showdown in the pairc. Lots of work to do, but they’ll do it. Looking forward to it already, should be a classic.


I’m flat out here bookmarking posts and taking names.

Limerick will do the 3 in a row this year, and you can BELIEVE THAT


The winter blitz and the one with Water Breaks in front of a few journos. I mean ffs.

No doubt boy
Only winding
Fantastic team
Like our previous great teams
They’ll get their days in the sunshine

Ah lovely. Delicious tears


Ye are coming no doubt. But not yet. Waterford the team to stop this year


:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:work in progress

A nice little nugget from the game was Hego putting Tony Kelly on his absolute arse, and firing it over. Beautiful stuff


It was the only thing he did as he miscontrolled everything else he had his way.

Agreed, he was very quiet in the second half especially. He’ll be grand. He’s Hego, a hero of a man

A handy YouTube channel that one for hurling highlights.