Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here (Part 4)

Probs got a big Christmas bonus anyway

Conor McGregor was doing over a 100 miles
An hour broke red lights and was
Actually overtaking cars which Kyle wasn’t despite the reports and got two years off the road and didn’t pull over when the guards caught him either.

Overtaking nine cars with the lane coming to end. It seems relevant.

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Do you think he knew the lane was coming to an end when he started over taking the first car,?

Really this is on the Greens for not building the fucking motorway


That’s what he said in his evidence if I heard it correctly on the radio there earlier.

150 in a120 zone prob the difference there… essentially a motorway

You need to bring this new evidence to the courts I think if he is after being blackguarded

He should have for sure…good point

Why did he give evidence that he was overtaking cars so?

The plot thickens.

A very strange case indeed.


Hes already been convinced mate why are you trying to make it look worse for him?

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He might have only been going 90 when he over took the first car…he might have only hit the 150 passing one or two of those cars…

Did you have ever think of that, huh?

Hayes sat in the witness box and told the court he travels on the same road “a couple” of times a year.
Hayes said he was driving behind cars that were all “traveling under the speed limit” and he indicated to overtake them, but that he hadn’t realised the dual lane road was also merging up ahead of him.
Hayes said he “sped up to get ahead” of the last car because he “didn’t want to cut him off”.
Hayes admitted he did not notice a number of road signs indicating the lanes were merging.
Hayes told judge Roberts: “I thought I had more space.”
Answering the judge, Hayes acknowledged that overtaking nine cars was an “exception” to the rule.

Why are you calling Kyle a liar?


Sure that is grand so. I didn’t realise that’s how the speed limits work

Frustrated World Cup GIF

Glad to have enlightened you kid.

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It is enlightening alright

Think About It GIF by Identity

It’s absolutely sickening the way @Kyle and @BruidheanChaorthainn have turned on Kyle Hayes this evening.

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