Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Time goes quickly.

Just back from Mungret.

Nick Grene Sportsground Maintenance intermediate hurling championship Group 1 Round 1 RESULT.

Croagh/Kilfinny 2-19 12 (twelve) man Pallasgreen 0-12.

Oh my, where do you begin.

Beaten finalists in the past two years, tournament favourites Croagh began their campaign with a comfortable enough victory on a night which descended into chaos late on. Malachy was booked within 60 seconds of throw in for an off-the-ball incident which could have easily warranted more severe sanction. This was a portent of things to come.

Pallas weā€™re aided by a significant breeze in the opening half but hit a mountain of terrible wides. Croagh were far more economical at the other end, Cian Oā€™Carroll was immaculate from frees and play - I doubt he missed one all night. For 18 years of age and a slight stature heā€™s a superb player, really stylish and classy. He was to finish the night with 0-04 from play and about 1-06 from placed balls.

The returning Pudgie got on a lot of ball in the opening half, he hurled well but he lacked support in attack.

0-12 to 0-05 down at the short whistle and facing into a strong wind, things looked ominous for the Pallastinians but they responded well. They dominated most of the second half and got it down to four points on a few occasions but every time they did Croagh went down the other end to push the gap out.

At 0-16 to 0-12, Pallas spurned a glorious goal chance which would have invigorated them. PJ Butler just overplaying the pass with a team mate inside and the goal gaping. A four point swing as Croagh went down the other to extend the lead. Munster and AI winner Seamus Hickey, operating at corner forward, finished it as a contest when firing home after a good team move. 1-18 to 0-12 and the game seemed to be petering out in the dying embers.

Of course, the fun was only starting. A wild overhead pull from Pudgie (Benny Dunne v Kilkenny style) could have led to a straight red but he escaped with a yellow. The reprieve wasnā€™t to last long, about 60 seconds later he shouldered a defender into the head. Again, could have been a carta dearg on its own but the second yellow was brandished. Down to 14.

At this stage I turned to @Gary_Birtles_Lovechi and said the best thing Ref McGlinchey could do was blow it up as Pallas had lost all discipline by that stage. Malachy duly got into a spat with both him and his opposite number booked. Pallas down to 13 now.

Surely that was it? No, of course not. Corner back Luke Oā€™Dwyer wrestled his man to the ground and made about three attempts at ripping the helmet off his opponent, finally succeeding and flinging the aforementioned helmet off into the Mungret night sky. Straight red and down to 12.

From the resulting free, young Oā€™Carrollā€™s free deceived the unfortunate keeper and nestled in the top corner to bring proceedings to a close. Croagh have a lovely side, outside of the big names theyā€™ve a decent support cast in Brian Hannon, Brian Flynn, Tom McMahon and co. Jack Lenihan is a class player but was quiet enough tonight. Themselves and Bruree will be the strongest team in this group.

All second half Pallas players and supporters got on the refs back but as a neutral he did well enough IMO. It could easily have been three straight red cards on the night. There wasnā€™t even much niggle in the game but when the red mist descends with themā€¦

Great to have club championship hurling on a dry Wednesday night in August. A fine crowd in for it. Roll on the weekend.


Iā€™m going to say it was the Tipp fella, he was bald and tall just like him.

Almost like being thereā€¦.


2013 I think? Didnā€™t miss a Fucking free that day the hoor.

Almost sure it was LOD who got the third red, @Gary_Birtles_Lovechi has it down as the other corner back.

Apologies to the innocent party in either case!

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Yes you are correct, it was definitely #2, Oā€™Dwyer. Original post amended. :+1:

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He didnā€™t. Exactly the year Iā€™d say

County Junior A Hurling Outright Betting

Caherline 3/1

Castletown Ballyagran 4/1

Feenagh Kilmeedy 4/1

Askeaton 11/2

Doon 11/2

Drom Broadford 7/1

Crecora 7/1

Tournafulla 8/1

St Patrickā€™s 8/1

Killeedy 10/1

Mungret 12/1

Kilteely Dromkeen 12/1

Ballybricken 12/1

Bruff 14/1

Templeglantine 16/1

Staker Wallace 20/1

Monagea 20/1

25/1 bar

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Are Askeaton 11/2 based on Aristotles competition picks :smiley:

Caherline a bit short

Crecora will win it with an inspired Cathal o Neill

Nah they wonā€™t, theyā€™re a very poor price actually. Donā€™t have enough with him.

Every team will have to completely distort their game plan to stop him.

Theyā€™re crazy odds. Have the entire parish been lumping money on?

I was hoping for something in around Glantineā€™s price.

Have they been tearing up the challenge match circuit??

On the odds whoā€™s likely to get out of the groups and then whos likely to play who in Q/Fā€™s.

Iā€™ll have a stab.

Group A - 1. Patrickswell 2. Askeaton
Group B - 1. Tournafulla 2. Caherline (Crecora have an extremely tough group).
Group C - 1. Castletown/ Ballyagran 2. Feenagh/Kilmeedy
Group D - 1. Drom/Broadford 2. Doon

Quarter Finals.
Patrickswell v Caherline - Patrickwell
Askeaton v Tournafulla - Tournafulla
Castletown/Ballyagran v Doon - C/B
Drom/Broadford v Feenagh - Feenagh

Patrickswell v Tournafulla - Tournafulla
C/B v Feenagh - Feenagh

Tournafulla v Feenagh - Winners = Feenagh

Thereā€™s a few Box Office junior matches this weekend, that look far more attractive than lots of games at higher grades.

Caherline v Crecora looks a belter.
A city derby of Pats v Christians.
Killeedy v Castletown.
Askeaton v Monagea.
Tour v Templeglantine.

Drom Broadford the value bet here :slight_smile:

They had a very good league but I donā€™t think the challenges have been anything noteworthy.

C/B look strong but I feel like they always do at this time of the year.

F/K definitely have something about them this year too.

Doon might struggle if they burn a load at senior.

Derry McCarthy is supposedly gone to Oz so that will rule them out of winning it!