Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Yeah, it’s meant to be on RTE alright. Thought it was down for a 5pm start initially but I could be wrong on that.

Can see Na Piarsaigh putting that game to bed early on, the match on Sunday should be a cracker. That would be far more appealing to a TV audience but anyway.

There’ll have to be a change of fixture/venue somewhere as Claughaun v Stakers is fixed for Fedamore on Saturday at 3pm with G/B v Murroe/Boher down for the same venue at 4.

The dressing rooms in Fedamore were small enough to begin with…

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Tommy Quaid’s 25th anniversary today.

Seems like only yesterday


The juicy bits from tonight’s County Board meeting….

Croke Park have left it up to each county to decide what age grading they want for underage competitions from 2024. Some delegates were unhappy with this and saw it as a ‘pass the buck’ on HQ’s part.

The current plan in Limerick, as passed in last January’s vote, is to revert to even age grades for next year - 12s, 14s, 16s, 18s, 20s/21s. Many clubs seem to want to have another vote on this at the next meeting in two weeks time. Templeglantine and Athea were most vociferous in their preference to keep the odd age grades.
I spoke on the night regarding the move to even numbers, more specifically that we would be losing one competitive grade (12s) and that this could not be seen as a positive move - Mike Riordan responded saying that the 12s grade would part of the ‘Go Games’ series, which of course is non-competitive, although Mike wanted us to think it was competitive from how he spoke! I know from talking to a couple of delegates after that they were unhappy about this 12s issue too.
Another problem with the move to even ages mentioned was that players will constantly be going up a year in age because of the switch. Player burnout and welfare could be an issue.

Decoupling seemed to be opposed by the majority of those who spoke, especially those delegates from smaller clubs. This will again be voted on in two weeks time. Mike Riordan said that if decoupling is introduced, it could be either a partial or full introduction. For example, Junior and Intermediate clubs might be permitted to play 18 years and younger, but Premier and Senior may not. Or clubs might be allowed to use these underage players in the Championship only. Clubs will have to decide on the night how to work it.

Every club seemed to be in agreement that the current 19s and 21s competitions have been a failure, mainly due to the tight run jmmmmmm off for the 19s championship and miserable weather conditions for the 21s.

The only other thing of note was news that the four southside clubs in Limerick City will amalgamate at underage level (14s to 21s) from 2024 as part of a Munster Council development plan. Ballinacurra Gaels, Old Christians, Claughaun and St Pats will come together to form Southside Gaels. Two GDAs are soon to be appointed to the locality.

Finally, one of the motions put forward for discussion at County Board Congress in December - ‘That playing time for all adult championship games be increased to 70 minutes’ (Blackrock).


Was there a show of hands on this or anything,which way do you think it will go?

Not tonight, but there will be in two weeks at the next meeting. They need a minimum 60% to vote for odd numbering for January’s vote to be overturned. I personally don’t think it will be changed, I can’t see 60% voting to change it again.

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Has this been discussed?

Weeks ago

Ahh, carry in. Was sent last evening by a cousin of mine. I scrolled back but saw nothing.

Sure you know yourself.

Bizarre. The BlackRock lads must be fit.


They must be running every night up the green wood.

Trying to kill off junior b

I hope it stays at odd numbers.
As you say if it reverts to evens you are losing a competitive grade, plus if it changes back for next year you’ll have a cohort of players who have had to play on their “bad” year for 4 out of the last 5 years.

The issues are at u19 grade, not the lower grades.

Was there any mention of decoupling?


The round robins at Munster u17/u20 are a problem

Yes, Spike said it may be brought in fully, or partially. Depending on how the vote goes in a fortnight’s time. Most clubs seem to be against it, particularly junior and intermediate ones.

A bit of brinkswomanship about money, seems like she lost.

But surely you need to know the plan for decoupling before the vote as that will be a major deciding factor for a lot of clubs

I’m hoping it changes back to evens myself.

Any talk of reverting back to replays as opposed to this ET nonsense?

Co Boards must want the extra gate receipts?