Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

The point being you’re talking shit?


Can you give me specific instances where what a Limerick lad has done has been so much worse than what any kilkenny lad did that it would force John to give up his position?
Sorry for dragging you into this, my reply was to the lad with the laughable suggestion that kiely would walk because his job as a principal would make him worry was all the hassle worth it.

Now Kiely may well wak at the end of any year and if he does it will be with our eternal gratitude but he certainly won’t be walking because of his moral outrage as a school principal.

Fellas will be clutching their pearls over something else then


Sure he stepped down as Principal didn’t he. Must have been the shame of Hego’s red in the league last year


He had to go

Brian was probably lucky that the ref in 2007 didnt spot Eddie Brennan driving the butt of the hurley in to Seamus Hickey’s eye socket or he may never have been able to continue as long as he did as school principal

Was John Kiely sacked as principal after heading off on another jaunt to Portugal in the middle of the school term?

I can’t imagine it would go down too well with parents.

When the history of this great Limerick team is fully written I think one of it’s greatest achievements will be that it unearthed so many shrewd observers in counties like Tipp and lads who can judge how a school principal’s moral outrage at his team will make him think is it all worth while


The parents were given two choices

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You should have your own personal brand of crisps, cheese and predictability.

Run off now before I eat you without salt.

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I could not give a fuck what you think.

I admire John Kiely but think he is showing a bit of fray around the edges of late, as @carryharry intimated.


Which of the Kilkenny lads split lucey that day too? Jaysus that’s three fairly bad incidents in the one game.


Thrills me to think you not giving a fuck involves telling lads to run along before you eat them without salt :rofl:
I have no gripe with that great kilkenny team, Im sure they had Carryharry pontificating on school principals also

And Brian still managed to smile at parents at the school gate

It must be easy thrill you, which sort of makes you a Leitrim of the mind.

Oh fuck that really told me. I’l run along

Gillane digging Sean Donohue in the stones with the hurley

The greatest team of all time, up against a team they were ten points better than on an average day, still saw the need to assault a 19 year old and a few of his teammates to prove their manliness.

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Not hard but fair or even heavy tackles mind, dirty, sneaky and cowardly strokes.