Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Weā€™re not in Munster this year. :smile:

Thank God, would only interfere with the piss up.


They havenā€™t played a game yet. Whole group held up.


Frank cares. Heā€™s misunderstood.

Feenagh about to lodge another appeal, the townies didnā€™t burn enough players apparently.

Iā€™m sure thereā€™s some reason but I just canā€™t think of one.

I assume it comes from like divisional sides competing for county championships in the likes of Kerry and cork.

This is what youā€™re dealing with lads. Not a fucking Scooby doo about the club game


What is the logic behind it? I donā€™t really disagree with it but itā€™s a bit pointless for the losers to go forward too.

Stop, just fucking stop

If you are allowing clubs b team win a junior a title which is more prestigious than anything else than there is little reason to stop them going forward.

What happens if two B teams meet in the final? Do the losing semi finalists flip a coin? I think that happened in Kerry before at senior level.

Maybe a reserve league is worth looking at but Iā€™m not sure youā€™d get as much buy in from the second teams.

Can anyone decipher this?

Actually donā€™t bother

I hear NCW are gone in hard on Frank. Vote of no confidence called :popcorn:


If what Iā€™ve heard is even half true they are well within their rights as well

This absolutely could not have happened at Kerry senior level ever

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No harm. It was bloody childish behaviour. Those lees wouldnā€™t take shit either.

Maybe it was further down the line but I thought it happened somewhere anyways maybe 5-6 years ago.

Can you going to explain your big issue with it?

It couldnā€™t have happened in Kerry as if a club who cannot represent them in provincials wins the senior championship(East Kerry for example) it reverts back to the ā€œclub championshipā€ for a representative.

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Ya I just thought it happened where a losing semi finalist ended up in the Munster club but I could be mistaken.

Iā€™d be more interested why youā€™re dead against Newcastle west going forward in this case.

I know people on here donā€™t like second teams competing but if you exclude them a lot of lads lose out and then you could have unintended consequences of lads moving clubs and that just to play.

Saying Iā€™ve a ā€œbig issueā€ with something and I am ā€œdead againstā€ something is big talk, where is the evidence of this?
