Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

No, no, maybe, very unlikely.

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John Kiely could be mayor of Limerick and manager of the senior hurlers at the same time.

He is a serious operator.

He would excel at both roles too.


Kip Killagain?

Not a hope

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Iā€™m going to throw my hat in the ring. Iā€™m preparing my backroom team as we speak.


Who would be your man? You are probably the most astute and knowledgable Limerick hurling man here.


Time for Coach Sully to go home @peddlerscross

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Kiely has no reason to even consider leaving mate.

I genuinely believe Limericks success & domination over the last few years has ruined the lives of some people from opposing counties. Reading some of the above posts has done nothing but reinforced the notion.

Lads will ye for fuck sake take a step back please, its only a game. Thereā€™s enough crumbs for ye all.


Donā€™t be digging John Kielyā€™s grave yet pals.

Coach Sully has no more worlds to conquer in the underage/camogie sphere so its probably the next logical step.

Kiely wonā€™t be going anywhere though unless this ship is sinking even faster than i thought.

Heā€™ll be first past the post and heā€™ll carry any auld gombeen they want with him.

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Kiely will go when heā€™s ready and heā€™ll have the gratitude of the whole county. You wonā€™t find local hacks cutting him up trying to get their clubman in as successor anyway. Heā€™ll be rightly revered by all.


Wasnt there a supposed national journalist from Kilkenny in the papers that was cutting down his own in Brian Cody.

Bad aul form. Jerome Oā€™Connell is gone from the Limerick Leader awhile but he wouldnt dream of doing that.

Ah he has.

He has won it all. Rearing a youngish family.

He has a serious profile built up, the world is his Oyster now and he can do many other things.

The system he built isnā€™t sustainable without a massive turnover of players which isnā€™t really possible for him currently.

He can go on to manage Celtic.

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ā€œEngage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment ā€” that which they cannot anticipate.ā€ John Kiely

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I wouldnt be too worried mate, the age profile of the team is still very good. The three week break is ideal too. Tipp in Thurles on the 20th of May is massive. Iā€™d be confident that we will perform.

Will be a serious Limerick crowd there to cheer them on as well. Could be like a home game.

Lack of confidence wouldnā€™t be an issue.


Nothing to be worried about at all chief

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