Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Has Donnelly managed any other teams since that 21s team?

He could stay on for another decade

He’s the Coaching & Games Officer now aswell as being Gerry McManus’s right hand man in the academy.

He might have been with Liberties for a year. As the lads have said, he’s the operational head of the academy now and I think that’s a role that suits him.




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The Galway gig was a misstep.

Isn’t he literally just back in the NAP job now? First league done- if they had a bad campaign surely he shouldn’t even be considered anyway, especially after the poor Galway stint

Am not up to speed on that stuff.

I am irrelevant but let me be lovely clear, for what it is worth. Limerick are a great team – one of the best ever. I admire them a lot. Their record since 2018 speaks for itself. By noting their problem with discipline, I am merely being observational. Meaning: noting how people get in their own way offers endless fascination. What else did Sigmund Freud do?

The bandwagon fuckwits, American football and The Celtic FC, secreting their bad faith, amuses me.

When a fella uses a national platform to try and oust a man thats giving 50+ years of service to a county, in order to try and get a fella from his own village into a job, it just shows you how insular and small minded the gaa really is. The same fucking slack jaw is here now, trying to write the obituary of a man who has won 4 all irelands in 5 years. A cunt that carried timber and water, trying to demean two of the most succesful men that ever managed teams. Imagine the fucking ego.

Who will replace @Malarkey

Nobody gives a fuck


So easy.

Manchester, so much to answer for.

A fuckwit, whingeing about immigrants forcing his children’s school places, a fuckwit whingeing about his emotional life pivoting on the scorelines of multi millionaires kicking a ball around Northern England. A fuckwit

How dumb can you be.

That dumb. That sceach dumb.


Yeah, you’d rather stick the knife in a man from up the road the put his shoulder to the wheel for 50 years.

You’re a cunt.

You remember every word i wrote here too you sad bastard.

I’ll remeber one article.

And you’re a bad article. I hope reasonable kilkenny people spit at you

Ah no, I am a perfectly pleasant individual, with reasonable views. You are an ape, with vulgarian tastes, a Rupert Murdoch delight.

A disturbed fuckwit.

Off you go. Threaten me in physical terms, if it makes you feel better. Might make you feel better for being a small mickey merchant, I suppose.

But, bottom line. You have no brain sugar.

Bottom line: a panting idiot.

There was two bottom lines there you overcompensating piece of shit.

Any other high achievers you want to run down tonight you frusrated hack of a shell of a human?

Malarkey was typing now he isn’t stick to writing about men who are better than you, you fucking sack of shit

Welcome back