Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

High achievers, like you?

Any time you want to tell me anything to my face, just let me know. No bother. I made enquiries about you, as I do about anyone who is unhinged, and they were coldly entertaining. From what I hear, you should try not fixating on people on the internet. Try being a better parent. Manchester City is not your child.

What an absolute fuckin’ fool you are.

I’m not back kid. I wasn’t gonna let that cunt write Kiely’s obituary cos he lost a game after a few years

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I wouldn’t waste a bitch slap on you. Bad genes and blood pressure will do a better job than i ever could.

I’ve only been scanning through but I didn’t think he was writing an obituary a such only presuming kiely will finish up sooner rather than later.

I heard myself kinnerk interviewed for a job in the irfu recently which I assume would end his role with Limerick.

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More power to kinnerk. He was always going to end up in a professional game. Kiely has earned the right to rebuild without paul though and i wouldn’t put it passed him to do a fine job

That same cunt wrote Cody’s obituary so he has form

‘Bitch slap’… You are a gas man. I was told you got out of that sphere because you are an absolute jelly.

Which or whether, the obsession runs one way – as everyone can see.

That genetic killer, absence of brain sugar.

That perfect small mickey merchant, worrying about emigrants. Easy to read. And terrible amusing.

You’re probably the worst informed “journalist” I’ve ever seen. What the absolute fuck are you talking about?

It’s public record you stuck the knife in Cody. That’s your shame…
Do you stand over that article?


The abbey has fallen apart since he got the Limerick job

There is a clear front-runner whenever JK decides to step away. Strange that he’s hardly been mentioned in the last 80-odd posts at all.

Not sure he is a manager though?

I think he’d be fine. It’s about having good organisational skills, getting the right management team together and delegating appropriately. His primary hurling coach would be the key appointment.

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Any man that says the words “I detest Russell Brand.” deserves a like.

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Realistically, whenever Kiely does go, it’s a poisoned chalice for whoever the successor is. Kiely has had unprecedented success that is going to be almost possible to replicate.

I think the ideal scenario is that even if Kiely were to go, that you would retain as many of the current backroom as possible: Kinnerk, Cunningham, O’Brien, Houlihan, O’Donnell, etc.

And Dodge would be the logical person to step up as manager in that scenario. He doesn’t have managerial experience but is familiar with the setup, I think he has the strength of personality to hold it all together and knows the dynamics of the others.

If we had to look for a new set of coaches too, it would be a completely different prospect. A clean break will have to come eventually but you’d be hoping that anyone who wants to put their name in the hat for that is doing their bit in the academy at the moment.


Draw is a bad result for Limerick.

Can’t see kiely or Kinnerk going until this team is at end of cycle

And that’s another couple of years I reckon

The split season effectively gives them 5/6 months off

This is a one off generation for limerick so they won’t walk away until we are done I reckon

Limerick lose to Tipp they’re gone

A draw was a bad result. It now means Limerick will need more than 4 points to qualify.

Not if Clare beat cork

If Clare beat cork - we can lose to Tipperary and beat cork on last day

If cork beat Clare we need two wins

Assumption is Clare beat Waterford