Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

They lost the appeal in Munster last week. Presume they have 5 days from notification of that which would take it to the end of the week.

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Yes, FK gone to croke park.

Without a leg to stand on.

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F/K haven’t covered themselves in glory in the past few months between this and the whole debacle with NCW.

It’s almost as if they’ve been given really really poor advice from someone of high office


They’d want to cop themselves on at this stage

Would be a hollow victory too at this Stage.

What’s F/K’s argument here?

Was it something about a sub being made prior to the penalties?

Ya something like the fella named as 5th penalty taker wasnt on the field at the end of the extra time. He didn’t even take a penalty.

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It’s such a weak argument; it makes them look fair bad.

In my opinion, Crecora would have had much stronger grounds the year before.

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Ya the Crecora case was way stronger. That had a material affect on the out come.

The F/K case is back in the realm of old school objections where a name was mis-spelled in Irish.

Exactly. In truth every result could be appealed if you were to go through matters like that with a fine tooth comb. There’s not a teamsheet in the country that is legal imo.

It appears that Spike is giving the Chairman of the CCC full control of the decisions of the CCC. This won’t end well for said Chairman!

3D chess from Spike

Did they do the draw on the back of a car??


3D chess might be ineffective on someone who is very 1D.


I see the County championship draws were complete this evening, I presume Feenagh have run out of road then?

I’d assume the senior hurling panel was / will be cut this week?

I’d say kiely wasn’t best pleased with the Performance at the weekend and he usually uses that to wheel the axe ruthlessly.


That’s a bit crazy imo and unnecessary.