Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Great round up :+1:t3:

Been saying this a while. I know itā€™s not the easiest role to get a handle on but English seems made for it and is having no difficulty getting up to the standard.


I think it was @Percy had been calling for Oā€™Brien to be brought in and he was on the ball.

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Flanagan didnā€™t look too bad going off. Wonder would he be alright in two weeks?

What a debut from Oā€™Brien. Won at two turnovers back behind midfield on top of the scores, really good debut all round. Heā€™s more than able for it. English also proved heā€™s well able for it and using him at midfield shows the confidence in him, probably wonā€™t happen with the impact heā€™s having but Iā€™d love to see him start as the season goes. CON in all star form. Couple other young subs making great contributions too.

Reidy had his best game in a while.

On 20s form you wouldnā€™t think he had jumped ahead of English/ AOC / DOD2 ā€¦ But there you go. Different role i suppose.
Heā€™s suited to a loose role but he will most likely have Hogan ? welded to him next day if he starts and that will be a tough assignment. He has struggled when tightly marked to date.

Thought he was quiet for long periods

Thought he had slipped in the pecking order when others were appearing ahead of him but apparently Kiely was letting him play out his time with the 20s. Kiely is some operator.

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Hogan has had the upper hand on him in the Harty & 20ā€™s.


Very much so. Let SOB come out the field and weā€™ll leave Gillane and Cleary inside to bear wrestle each other all day.

Hamstring, unlikely.

Iā€™d say anyone touch and go wonā€™t see time, Munster is a target Iā€™m sure but we have bigger fish to fry

Kiely said in the interview that they wonā€™t be playing anyone who isnā€™t 100% right.

DOD is fit but just hadnā€™t enough sessions done. Different situation for Seamie but even the mildest of hamstring twinges would probably mean you miss out in 2 weeks.


He knew it was gone straight away, so Iā€™d say it was more than a twinge.

I donā€™t think Cleary will get away with all that wrestling in Croke park. If we meet there I think heā€™ll get an early yellow and Gillane will go to town on him.

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Gillane is getting involved in that as much as Cleary.

Itā€™s more advantageous for gillane to get himself and Cleary booked early doors than it is for Cleary.

Itā€™s fairly obvious itā€™s something Limerick have targeted because the inside forwards have been trying it a couple of times again this season.


Obviously itā€™s great if Cleary does get a yellow but Gillane doesnā€™t need that to play well.

Waterford showed how you play against Cleary; they took him running from touchline to touchline and they had him in bother. Physical contests suit him down to the ground.

Clare will presumably press right up against Limerick again and leave loads of space in front of Gillane. He needs to be on his toes.


With Dod coming back in could mean itā€™s cian lynch who takes up that role.

Something he should be suited to as well.

I was just going to say i actually think gillane should get away from him and just focus on roasting him. Cleary looks very ropey to me. Gillane would skin him imo if he packed in the wrestling act.

Yeah, itā€™s definitely a possibility. I would guess that Lynch would play it more similarly to Reidy than Casey though; I feel like they would still want him drifting back around midfield. Iā€™d love to see Lynch do a bit closer to goal if we have enough outside.

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Ya I wouldnā€™t mind see lynch inside closer to the goal. It would be very interesting.

Gillane has lost a half yard off pace as well. He isnā€™t getting away from his man like he used to when those long raking balls are played into space and heā€™d run onto them and invariably turn and throw it over the bar.

I expect Limerick will play a lot deeper now. Thatā€™s they done v Clare for a finish.

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I think Gillane is just lazy half the time. He can do it when he needs to

Maybe heā€™s playing his way into full fitness but heā€™s getting beaten in those runs a lot more now. He didnā€™t really turn on the magic until the Munster final last year so who knows.

A lot can change in a short space of time.