Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here


I think we actually do need a third competition.We were well bet by Wicklow last week who in turn were well bet by Down today.


The four group toppers are probably well ahead of the rest. Even at that Fermanagh probably not in the same league as the other three

Fermanagh arenā€™t far off them,theyā€™re well organised and hard enough to beat.For a county that are half protestant/half water they punch well above their weight,more so than any other county in Ireland.

I didnā€™t think there was need for a 3rd tier but going on this year we might,I thought Sligo would win but didnā€™t think theyā€™d win by as much.Theyre going well,the funny thing is a lot of Sligo fans would have gotten rid of McEntee 2 years ago.

They had a good 20s team a few years back handā€™t they? Must be coming through.

Limerick have been miles off it underage lately.

Sligo have won Connacht minors and back to back 20s so have some good prospects alright Iā€™m sad to say.We are trying to replicate them in fairness and there seems to be green shoots underage but time will tell.Sligo missed out on promotion by 2 PTS I think this year.But looking Kildare are not a Division 3 team or Down but the league doesnā€™t lie

The best performing underage county in Connacht over the past 5 years Iā€™d say.

Yeah I wouldnā€™t argue with that.Lots of good underage work going on.

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Paper never refused ink I supposeā€¦


Malachy won the Munster poc fada again today.


They really should have beaten Galway in the Connacht championship this yr. Lost to a last gasp goal if I remember

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Mrs Hannon is a breath of fresh air on Ireland AM.
A bit of WOW too. :heart_eyes:


Seamus Flanagan gave up his Radiology job for the JP funded Unijobs apparently, working as a recruiter alongside many, many other hurlers.

Kinda depressing - 4 kids and a borderline full time professional sports role clearly makes jobs like the ones in Healthcare with that much risk involved nearly impossible.

Heā€™s been gone from the hospital for a while but heā€™s in Verizon not UniJobs, I believe.

Itā€™s grand for him to a degree though, he has a few years experience as a radiographer, heā€™ll walk back in there when the kids are a little older.


Ah - itā€™s funny how rumours etc get picked up incorrectly along the way!