Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

That is a point alright re the meals and isnā€™t right. Thereā€™s others like Tipp and Galway surely wouldnā€™t be wanting that way and have gone off a cliff. I remember reading the Niall Moran comments on the 3 lads in Ard Scoil there.

I think we have seen the end of that stage there in Clare at least.

Tipp and Galway both have or had funding issues recently

He has done Limerick twice anyway. Remains to be seen but Iā€™d say he is going to be a top player.

Prove himself to be a top inter county player

And his missus is a lasher

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Because thereā€™s a falling out in Galway.

One thing that really grinds my gears whether itā€™s club or inter county is fuckers who pull funding based on whoā€™s manager or chairman etc.

You are either in or you arenā€™t.

Iā€™m not convinced. He is very similar to his uncle who was an excellent minor and U21 but lacked pace for senior intercounty.

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I havenā€™t seen anyone on those teams that looked like the 4 Cork lads mentioned above to be honest. Has it come out that they werenā€™t being looked after training wise and stuff? Iā€™m not trying to be smart here btw, its a factor but I donā€™t think its the factor.

In fairness, everyone in Clare knows that Clare severely mismanaged funds for a few years.

Spike has told the senior footballers and multiple underage teams that there was no money for certain things this year. Senior hurlers have got a bit more leeway in funds due to their success in recent years but even they were cutting costs this year.

Whether Spike is telling the truth or whether he is just fiscally conservativeā€¦ Iā€™d lean towards the latter but heā€™s right to a point as Limerickā€™s fundraising capacity is probably at its peak right now, we canā€™t afford to let costs spiral because we wonā€™t have income at the same levels if we are less successful, thatā€™s just the reality.

Part of this is due to capital costs that they are investing in but anybody who thinks that Limerick get a blank cheque from JP is an absolute moron tbf.


I dunno, I think he had the hurling but remain unconvinced on the other aspects needed. Healy and Barry Walsh look to have as much hurling and more athleticism - there are only so many spots and opportunities out there.


Healy stepped up in some big moments over the past couple of years, I think he looks like a good one unfortunately for us.


Phenomenal player. Injury took its toll this year but should not detract from his body of work. A rolls royce of a hurler.

Barry Walsh has a right chance. Only going into 6th year. A great young lad by all accounts.


Thatā€™s the great
Thing time will reveal all whoā€™s right me you or Fenway

The way he responded on the pitch soon after his father dying was incredible no matter the age but especially for a lad so young


Yeah - he hurled Clare pretty much on his own at minor level last year. Given the circumstances it showed serious character.

The big doubt I have on Cunningham is that while he hurled well both days against the Clare 20s last year, Clare were happy enough to leave Oisin Clune on him both days. No disrespect to Oisin but I think he will do well to be a solid senior club defender and by far our weak link. If Walsh or Healy got a similar match up they would utterly roast such a chap.

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Youā€™d wish a lad like that nothing but the best.

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Id question whether BC has the pace or drive for demands of intercounty.

The lads with the bit of size tend to have the chance of training on even if theyā€™d lack a bit of pace or some other important attribute. Yer Rob Downeys, Declan Daltons, Dan Morriseys, Hegosā€¦


Hego never lacked athleticism - even when he was raw as fuck in his hurling he was very athletic