Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Half a stride and heā€™s half way into Europe, half a leap and heā€™s half way to the moon.

The Sunday game showed a clip minutes later of darragh trailing in a cork players wake not able to wag

Clearly not fit but they threw the kitchen sink at it just in case



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Thatā€™s fine, Limerick wouldnā€™t have Kinnerk without JP though.

But sure if poor auld Clare who couldnā€™t even feed Oliver could afford himā€¦

And the players probably wouldnt have the use of Dr Jerome Poupel either.

Money doesnā€™t matter sure

Kinnerk is well-remunerated for sure but itā€™s not so much that a Declan Kelly or Pat McDonagh-type couldnā€™t afford him if they wanted to. Davy has received more from at least one county.

No one is denying that itā€™s handy to have a generous sponsor but Kinnerk also wouldnā€™t be with Limerick if he wasnā€™t from here.

Being able to feed all the teams after training & matches is the main bonus though. It gives an air of professionalism and youā€™re able to educate young fellas on nutrition plus saves a shit load of hassle for parents and for players who are working. Costs an absolute shitload though.



Are you still starting 15?

I dont think Cork hit a wide with their first 10 shots of the second half.


Cian Lynch is not currently hurling at anywhere near his best. Whether itā€™s injuries, losing a yard of pace or just life taking more priority i donā€™t know.

But it is a massive stretch to claim heā€™s been the best 11 in the country this year.

Thereā€™s zero need for this

I think heā€™s too slow for half back especially since thatā€™s an issue we are trying to solve there. Lovely striker of the ball. They might make a half forward out of him. About time they turned a back into a forward

This is gas. The fact that JP funds the county allows them redirect as much as they like to the senior and other county squads. Thatā€™s the imbalance.

Amusing that lads donā€™t get this

Shur the replacement is wearing number 7!

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That was the act of a scumbag

The other so called enforcer WOD was badly shown up last Sunday as his actual hurling ability was cruelly exposed. Iā€™m flabbergasted at the amount of lads who are picking him to start in future teams.

David Reidy should be MF, has a hurling brain, has wrists and can take a score from distance.

WOD hand-passed a ball to Hannon at one stage and if a Junior hurler did it youā€™d be giving him the curly finger.

The system failed last Sunday and the enforcer wwf types couldnā€™t live with Hurling at speed.


Had to be said for the post in question.

Weā€™re in agreement as regards Lynch though.

Last Sunday hopefully showed Kiely & Co that transformer hurling has been exposed now and he will revert back to hurling