Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Funny how it goes, weā€™d have probably beaten Clare today and Cork would have definitely beaten Kilkenny

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Today was a good result for us. Keep cork down as long as possible. Clareā€™s team wonā€™t stay together. Itā€™s a far more open championship next year with Clare winning. Kiely and kinnerk confirmed to stay on as well. The players will get a real lift.


Kinnerk is gone according to my sources on the ground. Heading stateside.

Kiely will stay.

Heā€™s working with irfu but will be able to keep up the gig with Limerick hopefully

lol, the IRFU love the GAA, I can see that happening

The only disappointing thing really is how Clare dealt with Corkā€™s long puckouts so easily today and that we struggled on that twice (I realise it was a slightly different setup, but still).

But can have no complaints overall, thereā€™ll still be a hunger to go again next year.

Possibly need a slight freshening up in terms of a switch or two in order to combat a slight change to the way the game is being played.

And look forward to a great club championship kicking off in a couple of weeks.


If weā€™ve everyone fit weā€™ll win the all Ireland next year with our mickeys

Itā€™s Tiny margins. Dalton misses everything today and scored everything against us. So small at times.


If the puckouts were reffed the same as today, ye would probably have won


Rodgers hits the post v Limerick and itā€™s a point game with ten to go in the Munster final. Itā€™s such small margins at this level. So many ifs and buts. Hope you enjoyed it some bit anyway.

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Had we closed out the game below in the PĆ”irc as we should have. Cork were gone and Pat Ryan was sacked after losing three games in a row. Itā€™s funny the way things go


If Kiely and Kinnerk stay on we will be a serious force next year.

We will need to remedy the half backline with more legs but the rest of the team is in a great place

I expect Adam English and Shane O Brien to become regulars and if Finn can get back to his best he will be like a new player


Finn Morrissey Nash
WOD Hayes C Oā€™Neill
English DOD
Hego Lynch Tom
Gillane Casey SOB

Some sort of record here with a Limerick team for the following year being picked the day after the All Ireland Final


Premier Intermediate is starting this Thursday. You better get moving on the preview.

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Could be close to that. Im in the hayes at 6 camp. SOB and english have to be in the team somehow

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Plenty of times they were picking it before the Munster final

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We often did it in June


You are obviously new to this thread.


The 2026 team being published here next week also

In the old days (when All Irelands were played in September) October was peak giddiness, usually was knocked out of us by Febuary after losing the first 2 league gamesā€¦ Looks Like July is the new October ā€”Thatā€™s global warming for ya.