Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

If you want to publish negative personal comments about specific people then have the balls to put your name to it or fuck off, wanker.


I said heā€™s sound my man

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People should try and be kind.

If you have nothing good to say about somebody. Say nothing.

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True - I take it back

Didnā€™t mean to upset the lads

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Here. Iā€™ll do the right thing and edit my initial post so

Some people here donā€™t get it.

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Fair play and hopefully @PasqualePaoli sees sense too.

youve made specific comments about people on here plenty of times in the past. they may well all be cunts but if youre going to make the suggestion, you may lead by example


Iā€™ve had some awful things thrown at me here in the past but Iā€™ve just kept telling myself that I am enough and itā€™s gotten me through. Bullys canā€™t be allowed get you down.

I am a cloud.


Difference here is private individuals, identified by their connection to a player. Nasty and pathetic stuff.

if by private individuals,you mean non posters, youve referred to several non posters in a less than complimentary manner, so where exactly are you drawig the line here?

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Things that donā€™t implicate him I suspect

the audit trail will be the final judge of that

People without a public profile. People that were not even being discussed on here and who there was no reason to discuss or raise negative comments about. He might as well single out your family or mine and post negative comments about them.

fair enough, proceed.

Ah itā€™s a forum. Stop crying

I apologised and moved on

Genuine lol in real life.

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Be a cloud

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Iā€™ve known Diarmuid Byrnes is of Traveller stock for years. Iā€™ve observed this forum; the media, Limerick fans, Clare fans, everything inbetween, and not once was it ever mentioned, but mentioned today in hushed tones on here. The man strikes me as a gent, Iā€™m sure heā€™s a credit to his family and all of Limerick.

Now just fucking leave it at that.


My aunts husband taught him in primary school. she died a few years ago and he turned up at the funeral. They werenā€™t hurling people or living in the well and it must have been the bones of 20 years on since he was in his primary school class. Iā€™d thought it was a touch of class.


Isnā€™t Byrnes related to a former All Ireland wining Cork hurler shur.