Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here


He says Barrett is still a cunt.
A right dirty cunt that we would take if he is available

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Deary me

They must be super contact lenses if heā€™s getting a good sighting of Barrett down the other end of the field

From the fella who nailed Limerick on for the 5 in a row months agoā€¦

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Iā€™d love to see Peter Casey further out the field. Probably wonā€™t happen but I think it would suit him.

Flanagan isnā€™t offering a whole pile either at the moment. Iā€™d definitely look at o Brien inside with gillane and leave Peter drift out maybe.

Need something to catch fire anyway.

English comes in for Casey and maybe you could free Kyle up to pay 11.

I saw Oā€™Brien a few times this year and to be honest I pretty underwhelmed given the hype.
I watched two freshers hurling games with Mary I, the first one he dominated the opening 20 minutes but once a midfielder was put back marking him he didnā€™t do a whole pile.

Similar in the 2nd game, once he had a tight marking defender on him he really struggled to make the ball stick. Iā€™m sure given more time to develop his game heā€™ll be an asset but I donā€™t believe heā€™s near where Oā€™Neill was at that age and itā€™s taken him a while to find his feet.

Hopefully Iā€™ll be proven wrong, but I donā€™t see him as a real option this year.

What we are really lacking at the moment is a pure pace option.


We donā€™t want Peter Casey back in the half backs though like he was against Clare.


Definitely agree on pace. Pat Ryan would have his uses still.

He was in Adam Hogans pocket for that game

Na Piarsaigh tried him centre forward a couple of years ago. Didnā€™t work out. The scores stopped coming.

A little different at inter county level.

Theres only 1 place for Casey on our system. Between the half and full forward lines. Our half forward line has misfired thus year so PC has bedn doing additional donkey work out the field.


We donā€™t look to have much of a system at the moment. We canā€™t isolate gillane and if we played till 12 o clock last night we wouldnā€™t have created a goal chance.

We arent getting enough ball into Gillane. When we do our half forwards are too far out to support. If Casey wasnt required to drop as deep as he does ideally he is coming onto that.



Some of the problems arenā€™t too dissimilar to when Kilkenny beat us in 2019.

Put Flanagan and gillane in the two corners and try get those diagonals working.

Sometimes you have to let it all hang loose to win and I think you put Kyler at 11.

We are like a teenager moping for no reason at the moment.

A ball went into Gillane before half time. Maybe thirty years out. Him and Breen only ones there. I thought heā€™d try and take him on but he went straight for the point instead.

He looked well up to for Kilmallock seniors in the club championship, Iā€™d have expected heā€™d be up to the last five or ten of a game.

Who replaces Kyle at wing back, Coughlan?

Not against Cork.

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Iā€™d leave Dan where he is. Heā€™s doing fine.