Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Glaring miss from my run through of possible combinations. Less likely though Iā€™d say.

Isnā€™t it great to have options all the same?

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Coughlan wonā€™t play I donā€™t think.

Nash will probably go to six. Unfortunately whatever the rejig it will make us slightly less

You forgot one

Hannon hasnā€™t played that well this year compared to previous seasons. I think we will be fine.

Time for Richie to come in and do a job


Casey Morrissey Nash
Byrnes Hayes Hego

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Richie McCarthy full back and Dan centre?

Iā€™m in

Theyā€™re not the worst options but itā€™s getting threadbare. Weā€™re down three of our best players now. The best player in the game, the best corner back and the best centre back. English has been coming in for Casey towards the end of games too and thatā€™s that option likely gone. Every option has pretty big limitations and is open to targetting.

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The system is everything with Limerick and I believe they will go for the most similar-type player so as to least disrupt the role.

Hannon screens, sweeps, gives the out-ball, gets up the middle for the odd score and competes well in the air.

Barry Nash is the most obvious choice.


Dan 6, Kyle 7 would definitely be the move if youā€™re moving Dan.

They might do that, that was the first move they made when Hannon had to go off versus Cork. Dan was the centre-back for a lot of the league. But since Cork targeted us aerially in those few minutes, Kyle has been the move since with Coughlan at 7.

I would agree with @Elvis_Brandenberg_Kr that Nash seems the most natural replacement. But then youā€™re losing his distribution from the full-back line and thatā€™s been something theyā€™ve been very reluctant to lose in Championship.

Iā€™d say ye missed picking teams all the same lads.

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Itā€™s just like old times

Thereā€™s lads sitting down with spreadsheets of data, wondering could you get 70 minutes out of Nicky at centre back, what value would there be in putting Cian there, would Kyle finally be ready to become the King.

All the while @Breaking_my_balls realises what heā€™s been telling you all along, Hannon is the hinge. The door dont work without the hinge.

The more fellas we can shift for one absentee the better. Itā€™s glorious. Gillane will be a ball-winning half forward before the day is done.

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The lad on here who says Hannon is the most overrated hurler of the last 20 years will have egg on his face when the empire crumbles next day out

Hannon is Atlas, holding up the sky. Without him, the next man may hold it temporarily, but in the end, the sky falls.

We are still the team to beat.

The system wins out. The game is rigged

He was an U17 that year though,. He may even have turned 17 a few days after that particular match.

A week later he was 17 :sweat_smile:
