Limerick GAA 2023 - League champions means nothing now 🐐

Is Kiely gone yet?


The man is a class act.


The Desmond League got a mention :+1:


Well done Kiely, that should be the end of the questions about Gillane


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Limerick marginally the better team today IMO. Cork more accurate down the stretch

I would worry about our rate at winning rucks again. Limerick were a lot more aggressive and won the vast majority of our long puc outs too.

For Limerick, Fergal O’Connor was excellent. Really really good solid display against tricky players in that Cork ff line.

You would definitely pick out the experienced players today though. Joyce, Morrisseys, DOD, Lehane were comfortably the best 5 players on the pitch today in my view.


Nobody seems to be mentioning Richie English and i thought he was absolutelty superb

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Yeah actually good game too from him. Hayes ans himself had a right good battle

Hayes is some specimen.

I was a bit taken a back how poor Barrett was

Cork played a sweeper. Baffling . Doesn’t inspire confidence


Kiely needs to play this very very carefully

Kinnerk has been running simulations and has the GTO decision primed.

Who was the sweeper? Joyce was the spare man at 6 for a lot of it but Cork absolutely did not play a sweeper.

If you’re calling him a sweeper then Hannon has been a sweeper for the last 5 years

He has been a sweeper for the last five years


Cork played 5 forwards. Joyce was spare because cork had an extra back

Bullshit? If Cork played with 5 forwards Limerick must have played with 3.

Tell me who were Cork’s seven backs then.

Luke meade dropped to midfield and tommy O’Connell dropped deep leaving joyce free in front of downey. Limerick had a spare man in the backs because dan didn’t follow lehane. Oisin Oreilly played a roaming role for Limerick but they plyed with 6 forwards

That was the first half.

Cork went back traditional in 2nd half