Limerick GAA 2023 - League champions means nothing now šŸ

Thanks bud

Shane has turned over alot of ball though.

heā€™s out in front a lot but Downey is strongerā€¦ thatā€™ll come. he got one lovely score where he touched it down to himself.


Is Buffā€™s man Beastings lining out for Cork?

Did he really call Beausang that? :joy::melting_face:

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Hi lads

Any thoughts on the performances of the following would be welcome - and if they shot/scored anything

Thank you

Shane O Brien
Oisin Oā€™ Brien
Jimmy Quilty

Howā€™d it finish

Cork won by one. We seemed to gas a bit in the last ten minutes. Reidy missed five or six frees. The young lads Shane Oā€™Brien and Adrian Oā€™Connor did well couple of scores each. Limerick goal was a goalie error from a long delivery. Good crowd there. Lehane is probably the best hurler in Ireland right now scored ten points.


This fella who scored 12 points for Cork could be a game changer

THe corner back from Effin Oā€™Conner did well


Shane two nice points, fouled for two frees. Class act.
Quilty played less than ten minutes Iā€™d say. Made a few hits in a congested middle.

If you mean Oisin Oā€™ Reilly didnā€™t do a whole pile. Made a nuisance of himself contributing to the goal. One point from play.

Have heard alot about this guy Lehane, likewise Forde from tipperaryā€¦ apparently both are the real deal. Iā€™m looking forward to seeing more of them in the league.


Grand workout.

Defences on both sides were on top. Just the way we set up, with the half-back line we had, we were never going to deliver loads of quality ball inside to our full-forward line and really only DOD did that in the first half. Quinlan did play very well but heā€™s a runner not a distributor and, in a serious game, heā€™d be in a differently-balanced half-back line.

SOB was honest, kept making the runs, even though he was blown out of it by Downey a few times. But Downey, crazily, pushed him in the back twice and SOB got his two points from play. Hit a few wides too though when he didnā€™t really give himself the best chance of his getting score.

And that was the thing really, a lot of the newer players made poor decisions on the ball, taking shots when they should have passed, passing when they needed to move with it themselves. That will come. Itā€™s a different level physically & pace-wise to underage & club hurling.

DOD & Reidy were excellent for us, although Reidy missed a mound of frees. Fergal was probably our best player other than DOD, an unbelievable hook on Brian Hayes prevented a certain goal, and he hurled some amount of ball too. McCarthyā€™s puckouts were good too.

Lehane did a bit of damage floating outside Dan but I wouldnā€™t be too worried about that. We hit a lot of ball on top of Joyce as the spare man but again, linked to the half-back line/midfield we had out and delivering from the wrong areas. As a result, Murphy & OOR really struggled to get into the game when playing inside. Murphy did more at HF.


Did Darren get a run today?

Yeah, got the last 10. Worked hard, won a big turnover, but didnā€™t get any ball in hand Iā€™d say. Full-forward line didnā€™t get much ball throughout.

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Thanks a mill

Sorry - Oisin O Reilly yes

Thank you v much!