Limerick GAA 2023 - League champions means nothing now 🐐

And if one smacks of the bar and into the keepers hand you’ve no time to get players back in position. You’d want to be desperate to bring up lads from the backs.

It was all the rage in football with keepers but it’s
Pretty much stopped now.

Morrissey has done well when gillane was missing a couple of times. I’d have him ahead of hannon anyway.

Give it Hego.

Tis one player who takes a free not 10 of them. The modern hurler can adjust and slot in where needs be. I’d rather bring up a corner back who could guarantee you points from frees than just having a lad starting corner forward who will be a weakling from open play. Game of percentages and numbers and all that. Reidy a fine player but hasn’t seemed to make the jump to starter and tends to thrive in the impact sub role anyway where he has looked impressive.

Give him a few months and he’d probably be great at it. Man has savage determination and focus once a goal has been set.

Takes them for the club too.

It’s a funny one with Gillane, I’d never be fully confident on him taking the frees but he must have an accuracy rate of over 90%. Can’t remember him missing too many crunch ones, certainly never 3 or 4 in the same big championship game.

Savage penalty taker too. I’d let Byrnes take them though.

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Cannot for the life of me fathom how na piarsaigh didn’t go with a ronan lynch peter casey combo on the frees this year. Leaving Downes take them was madness.


Colm Parkinson is a nasty, nasty prick. Fuck him for what he did to Eddie Brennan. His takes on Messi are absolutely laughable too


I know two people from Laois and they are both wankers. One is Parkinson and one posts here.


I don’t listen to him but what has been his calibre of guest since he done brennan ?

One of these fellas who should be on the dole but has somehow frauded their way into a gig. Awful chancer.

Put Cian Lynch on the frees, the sliotar will be singing over the bar

What did he do to Eddie?

We know each other?

@Kid_Curry - he’s done you dirty here

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I’ll say this for Colm, he’s highlighted the badness in the Limerick set up. Gillane is central to earning his team a holiday and then they prevent him from going on it.

They done him bad.


You don’t remember the “accident” of recording a private conversation with Eddie and letting it air?

This is off the record.

He had to apologise to eddie and laois.

You’d want to be fair desperate to be going on with him

Eddie is grand with it, why are you so het up about it?

Fuck sake. Keep that to yourself

Woolies podcast is best around. Up Woolie :muscle:t2:

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I have a way of listening to it for free, PM for details