Limerick GAA - Box Office

Strong Na Piarsaigh connections with The Strand. It was always going to be held there. The late Paddy Verdon’s daughter is one of the head honchos there.

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Sorry, was looking at the wrong red dress. Yeah that’s his mother alright.

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Elvis on the money as usual.

Blingy flash new club having social in blingy flash new hotel !!!

When you have the bling to back it up, why not.


If you see her tell her I was asking for her.

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As a matter of fact, it’s quite likely that I’ll be in her company this coming Saturday.

Tell her your friend wants to know if she’ll shift him

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Ask her would she like a Viennese whirl.

More like a Waterford Blaa

Women love a man of the world. He can regale her with his travel stories of sitting on a plane behind a guy who put his seat back.

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Or regale her about the quality of WiFi that allowed him watch the gilmore girls on netflix

The Gilmore girls is some scutter .

You’re a total Logan.

Can’t say iv had the pleasure of watching it

Princess had it on the other day, even she thought it was particularly bad.

She probably just doesn’t “get it”.

I was only half listening, mate, but I thought it was trying to be quirky for quirky sake.

Hurling snobs out. More embarrassment for the dick heads.


Are the board in financial borher ???