Limerick GAA - Box Office

Yes, but my point is that this is coming from the players themselves. Their social lives will be the same as ever over Christmas. The vast majority of them don’t bother with drink at all so it’s a non-issue (thankfully!)

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It comes from a lack of trust, whether justified or unjustified. A lot of managers don’t believe players, at least not all the players, can be trusted to self-regulate when it comes to booze. So it’s easier just to impose an outright ban. It’s not entirely the fault of the managers as a lot of GAA players actually can’t be trusted and it does have a detrimental effect on the squad. A drinking culture can spread from just 3 or 4 senior players in a group. Blanket drinking bans are dumb of course but players who take liberties with looser regulations need to ship some of the blame for their existence too.

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You sum it up perfectly .

Who cares if lads go a bit overboard for 3 or 4 nights over Christmas though? Won’t have any effect on what happens in May or June


Which players want to drink? Name the bastards


I agree. It’s ridiculous.

I had not realised that our players were so boring

They played a Dublin development panel on Saturday and hammered the shite out of them

The premier u21 football was moved so the hurlers could go on a piss up :smile:

By the way things have gone over the last couple of years, it won’t have any effect whatsoever. We’ll still get bate.

As previously mentioned this group of Limerick players are not big drinkers. Many don’t drink at all and those that do wouldn’t be big into sessions. I couldn’t name one serious man for the booze on that panel. Not like the boys of yesteryear who could drink with the best of them! :joy:

Exactly. It’s the same in the club at home.

Most of

Replying To LimerickVillan: “Hear NAP in charge Pats this year. Looking like hurling are pushing out the football in NAP.”
Not sure what NaP in charge St Pats means but I heard from a NaP hurler that an ultimatum was given by the hurling coaches to the players that they should pack in the football, which will decimate their footballers…
McFan88 (Limerick) - Posts:202 - 14/12/2016 11:12:23 1940044

From Hoganstand

As I alluded to here a few weeks back

Shur they were out of the hurling before they even took the football serious last year! Fahy, Brudair & Stack back in Drom.


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Proper order

Surprisingly little chatter about the charity match coming up ? Thought ye would have picked the teams and free takers already

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You seem to be very concerned about it. Work away there yourself first.