Limerick GAA - Box Office


He should be there to have an opinion on the team makeup & to bring new blood to the scene.

Nah, they need him to play in the half back line in training to replace Davy Clarke.


Clarkey’s legs are gone. He is going back to the corner next year.


If he could pass on a few ideas to some of our less athletic big names…about reading the game…he’ll have earned his corn.

Seems like it was John Kielys own appointment also which’s positive.

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Wonderful. :clap::clap:

Sure that’s a given Harry, but he is obviously going to be the one closest to the players given he hurled with a share of them and hurled against another fair share of them in the club scene.

Obviously the delay with naming it was due to the fact Geary was playing with Monaleen who won the Premier Inter last weekend to go back up Senior after a few years down. He’ll hardly retire now without giving Senior one last go after they going up. It would be unique to see an Inter County Senior Selector still playing Senior Club Hurling

Paul Cuddy and Seamus Dwyer were both senior club hurlers when selectors with Laois under Cheddar

Ah yeah but that doesn’t count, you know what I mean, counties that matter like…

Laois matters pal, there’s even a tv show with that title so it must be true

Declan Fanning.

Derek Lyng still hurling on the club scene surely?

I have a soft spot for the Kilminchy area of Portlaoise alright. There’s some great Indian Restaurants up there.

I didn’t actually mean for you to go pointing out examples to disprove my hastily made observation you bastard

It’s like little Poland up there

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You made an awful fool of yourself there tbh. Not a Top Top moment for you. :flushed:

A half back line of Byrnes, Geary and Hegarty would be hard bet under the dropping ball.

Little midgety Clare types would probably run around them alright though.

Was just about to mention Fanning. And Paul Curran had an involvement last year (working with the full back line) just a month after he retired.

@Joe_Player very upset tonight with news that Dalo is staying with Limerick minors :laughing:

They need him tip prick

Limerick underage flying it. They’ve been in two all Ireland finals in last two years. Clare haven’t got out of Munster in any grade :joy::joy:

What’s the story here:

LIMERICK GAA Commercial Manager John Loftus has departed his role with immediate effect.

The Ballybrown man shocked all with his announcement after filling the role for over three years. It is understood that Loftus was frustrated in the role for some time.

This Tuesday afternoon he confirmed his decision to depart but declined to expand on the reasons.

On Tuesday night Limerick GAA chairman Oliver Mann broke the new to the October County Board meeting in Claughaun, describing the move as “retiring”.

”Our Commercial Manager John Loftus has retired and we will be advertising for a new Commercial Manager,” said Mann.

”I would like to acknowledge the amount of work that John has done in about three and a half years as Commercial Manager for Limerick GAA.”

Loftus was appointed Commercial Manager back in April 2013 – working full-time but on a commission basis, alongside treasurer Donal Morrissey.

Loftus, who led his club Ballybrown to a 1990 All-Ireland club final appearance, was previously involved in the finances of Limerick GAA when playing a big part in the early years of the Mackey Stand Draw.

Over the past three years Loftus has successfully spear-headed the commercial dealings of Limerick GAA.

Last week, Limerick County Board assistant-treasurer Geraldine Neenan has confirmed she won’t be continuing in her role into 2017. She has served four years in the position but had one more year before would be be required to depart.

The withdrawal of the only female member of the County Board top table means that there are now two vacant officer positions ahead of December’s Annual Convention – Irish and Culture Officer Micheal O’Riain is vacating his role due to the five-year-rule.