Limerick GAA. Don't be sad. Another 45 won't be so bad. Limited heartbreak

Ye’d better get nice and used to it mate

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That’s true. I expect them lads to hammer everyone for the next few years.

“Hegarty is too rough” :sob:

Eat it up ta fuck

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You misquoted me there. I said he was/is a dirty cunt. Limerick can win as many All-Irelands as they like, it won’t bother me much. Better them than many others.

“The Limerick lads are awful rough” :sob:

My word you are an unreal operator.

No they’re not. They’re big, strong, fit lads who will hurl the shite out of the rest of the country for the foreseeable future.
Hegarty is also a dirty cunt.


Maybe I’m biased but I wouldn’t consider hegarty dirty. He gives away a few frees because he tackles a huge amount but I don’t think that necessarily makes him dirty. I don’t recall him ever pulling a nasty stroke or attempting to hurt an oppsition player, which I couldn’t really say of every Limerick player.

Aw go easy on him, every team needs a few tramps to be successful. Nowt wrong with it.

I wish he was our dirty fucker…

Ha, dirty fuckers used not be an issue for us.

What do you make of of the Courtwood Camross thing. Cheeky cunts.

Cheeky is one word. Is he that good though either? I saw those under 20 teams a few times and he never particularly stood out to me. I’d say Dunne from Rosenallis beside him was a far better player.

Nah, I wouldnt rate him that highly from what I saw, and would agree on Dunne. But he’ll be a useful mullocker for them. I dont like the spirit of the arrangement. Disappointing to see.

County board need to sort out their act though. A lad like Tyrrell should be able to play senior club football without having to pull strokes to do so. There’s plenty more like him playing junior who should have the chance to play senior club championship.
Reduce the number of senior “clubs” to 8 or 10 and form 4 decent area teams.

That would require making a decision, and the Chairman doing something that might upset his own Club.

Hegarty isn’t dirty . He is a little clumsy at times tackling . If anything he lacked a bit of aggression up to this year . A big man will often have a very thin line between being “ a big dirty fucker”’ & “ a gentle giant/ windy fucker”

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Ye could do with a few tramps in O’Moore County then :nerd_face: