Limerick GAA. Don't be sad. Another 45 won't be so bad. Limited heartbreak

Donā€™t shoot the messenger. @Ambrose_McNulty was speculating that the case must be coming up soon. @Raylan referred to the Courts of Criminal Justice moving itā€™s sitting to Croke Park in August. I merely pointed out that this was a matter for the Limerick courts and provincial Circuit Courts donā€™t sit in August and September.

Itā€™s only a district case afaik

The other two accused were district court, but I heard Kyler has a date with the Circuit court. Sure who knows.


I donā€™t know anything about the facts but the report I read at the time stated a charge of Violent Disorder, which is typically Circuit Court.

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Maybe so, think it might be gone back to November. If it ever sees a hearing

My source told me that the two lads got 3 month sentence, if thatā€™s the case itā€™s not looking good for him. Could be shite talk too.

He enjoys the presumption of innocence. Best not speculate. Affray, Violent Disorder tend to be a lot more wishy washy than an assault, where typically you either gave someone a belt or you didnā€™t.

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Get a room lads

Iā€™ve no doubt heā€™s innocent.

Fuck off swanboy.

Calm down Macnas head

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Be nice lads

I am a young fellow thatā€™s aisy and bould,
In Castletown Conners Iā€™m very well known,
In Newcastle West Iā€™ve spent manys the note,
With Julie , and Bridie and Maryā€¦

That worked out well.


My faaaaather rebuked me for being such a rakeā€¦

Nasty nasty post. Beneath you really

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The drink has a nawful effect on some chaps

Bit of craic but no need to swipe with the edge of a hurl like that.

Being tinkerish in winning is a nawful sight

Croagh/Kilfinny leading Feenagh/Kilmeedy 13-11 in the prestigious Intermediate West League Final. 15 to go at the Bog Garden.

The ref being a right finicky prick. Blowing for everything.

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Fouls too?