Limerick GAA. Don't be sad. Another 45 won't be so bad. Limited heartbreak

Why did Dowling throw his toys from the Pram?

He was looking for his snickers.

Did you even read his post?

Whatā€™s this now?


Is Ronan Lynch much of a footballer? Iā€™ve seen NaP play a good few football matches over the years but I canā€™t even remember him playing.


Either can I, so I donā€™t understand why you ask.

Heā€™s on the Limerick senior football panel, so someone must have seen him play at some point!

I donā€™t see his name mentioned above???

I think @Copper_pipe had already touted that this was happening a couple of weeks ago.

I think he was sent off in their last group game v Ballylanders this year

Yes. Yes I did.

We need a few fiery men .

Will do him good, get the S&C with the county squad for the year, keep pressing his case to be added to the hurlers.

Looking down through that Football panelā€¦ Jesus it gets fairly hairy as you read down through the subs. Some incredibly mediocre players on it.

R Lynch is not doing himself any favours to be honest in joining the football panel, more or less closes the door on himself being called in to the hurlers at any stage this year. If his club form for the Na Piarsaigh hurlers improved he might have been given a shot but doubt that will happen with him off kicking football 3 nights a week. Perhaps may improve him physically and fitness wise maybe

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Itā€™s obviously been made very clear to ronan lynch he wont be involved with the hurlers while kiely is involved if this is the road heā€™s going.

What happened there i wonder? Just a case of Kiely not fancying him as a player? He had him at u21 level and played him in the forwards to some degree of success.

Ronan Lynch will never hurl again.