Limerick GAA. Don't be sad. Another 45 won't be so bad. Limited heartbreak

I felt myself that Limerick would be in with a fighters chance in 2019, I never thought 18 was going to happen but obviously I was delighted it did, massive target on your asses this year and temporarily sated appetite would have me think it won’t be repeated, the field is too even at the moment

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Whoever wins in it under this format* deserves it with at least 6 games to come through
*applies to Munster teams only Leinster is the AFC East of the championship.


One feast wouldn’t sate you after a famine. We’re ravenous kid. We’d ate a mixer Walsh plate to do it again.

Steady on now

It’s the players that win the matches, they know no famine, it’s like saying that Man united fans know what it takes to win trophies

I think you’ll find it was the omerta that got us over the line.


Ask Seamie Flanagan about a famine.

These players don’t. Would you not consider the likes of Houlihan, Carey, Ken McGrath and every other player to have retired without an AI medal not to know a famine?

I don’t know what you mean, none of those players were ever in the situation Limerick are in now,

Maybe I’m getting the wrong end of the stick here but you seem to be implying that it’s only the fans who experience a famine and not the players. Obviously this set of players haven’t experienced it but do you not consider the players who togged out for the last 45 years and retired without a medal to have experienced a famine?

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I feel for any player who represents his county whos unlucky not to get an all Ireland medal, especially those who slogged on for years - the so called weaker counties, they’re the guys who should be held aloft

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Lads who will tog out for ten years knowing the moment they put on the jersey they will never win one. Those are the lads.

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Couldn’t agree more bud- the Carlows,Donegal’s, Fermanagh hurlers etc, backbone of CLG

Any “famine” is fairly irrelevant to anyone who’s in the thick of it. Your time at that level goes by fairly quick. The likes of last year’s team were too young for the most part to be thinking of what happened 45 years ago.

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Not making an argument against that whatsoever. Im merely asking the question if it effects a player the longer they play without winning one.

Houlihan, Carey and McGrath; as you mentioned all knew success at some level, even if they didn’t capture the ultimate prize. I think when you’re in the bubble you’re just thinking of the road ahead of you rather than what’s gone before really.
Famines are more of a media narrative than anything else.

Big chances for Downes and Boylan. Good to see Malachy being persisted with. I know there’ll be changes each week but Dowling not in the panel at all is a bit of a surprise. Kiely really lighting a fire under him.

Whats the argument here with ex limerick players? I met two after the game and they were ecstatic


No idea why he’s opted for Downes here when he has so many other options. Must be doing it in training.
He has to take this chance cos I doubt there’ll be too many more once the full compliment are fit and available