Limerick GAA. Don't be sad. Another 45 won't be so bad. Limited heartbreak

He loves an auld goal but he makes fair hard work of scoring one.

Sheedy will need three years to get an All Ireland out of this lot

Iā€™d think the opposite. If he doesnā€™t win one in the next two years Iā€™d say itā€™ll be a while before they win another

Early days in new regime. Went back to whack it tactics in second half

Pat simon was like a fella in an egg and spoon race there

Limerick are formidable. Very good indeed.

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This is a very humbling defeat for Tipp. Sheedy will have to consider his future after this, and will be wondering what this does to his carefully managed reputation as a hurling sage which he has used as a springboard to attend every hurling junket going the last few years, his corporate speaking gigs, seat on the Sunday game, his advisory role to Offaly GAA when appointing managers.

To think Tipp are months into training and Limerick are only three weeks into theirs after coming back from a second team holiday over the winter. Limerick didnā€™t start with their three best players in Lynch, Hayes and Flanagan. The captain Hannon going off early in second half with injury. Downes at full forward didnā€™t hurl at all, and Colin Ryan Malachy didnā€™t do much hurling either. Callinan spending more time on his arse than standing up to Limerick, he looked afraid of his shit to me. No sign of their saviour ā€˜Bubblesā€™ either. Itā€™s fair to say Tipp might never win an All Ireland again. Maybe in football but not in hurling.


All ireland champions mate. We didnt win a raffle


Feet on the ground and all that butā€¦that was very satisfying


Ah lovely

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Rattled. :joy: Ye were out-hurled as well as out-muscled tonight. Men against theatrical boys. Looking for the soft frees and not willing to put in the hard graft.

Tipp just havenā€™t the men, havenā€™t had them since the 60s, relying on injuries and officialdom since. SAD

All the Tipp obsessives showing up in here tonight. Ah lovely

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Box Office.

Are neutrals not allowed share their observations on a televised match?

In the limerick thread

Itā€™s fair to say that Limerick have revolutionised hurling.

Yeah, a bit like Final Destination :rofl: