Limerick GAA. Don't be sad. Another 45 won't be so bad. Limited heartbreak

Some of the scores in the second half were fucking champagne stuff. Just class.

This won’t last forever Limerick fans. Enjoy every second of it.


Neutrals are mate, yes


Derek McGrath is a little cunt.

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Good shout on Boylan kid.


What a performance and win lads.

Baltic conditions as well. Hon Limerick!!


Dalo has a show made of mcgrath here lads

1-21 is a statement tonight

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Brynes and Hego were magnificent.

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Both outstanding. Show serious leadership on this team.


I’m fucking freezing lads, not a night for hurling but that was impressive for February. Serious second half performance.

I can’t feel my toes.

Can i feel them?

Yer man presenting the hurling on Eir thinks Galway played Dublin in hurling.

Boylan is some prospect as well lads. What a debut to inter county hurling.

Great to see him have that impact. Keeps everyone looking over their shoulder.


I thought Paddy O’Loughlin was very good off the bench too. Half-back line superb in the second half.

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You’re a good judge of a hurler mate. Tom Morrissey was absolutely fucking superb there tonight, without scoring much. Where would you rate him out of forwards in the country?

Neither can I but thats the half gallon og porter more than anything

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I dunno out of forwards in the country, I’d say he was definitely worthy of an All-Star last year.

For the jobs we ask him to do, there are few better suited. His work rate is sensational, his tackling top class and he has lovely quick wrists. Very impressive tonight.

That second half was lovely to watch. Knowing we’re all ireland champions, against Tipp and absolutely playing with them in the second half, throwing the ball around, it’s unusual to feel a sense of ascendancy, mightn’t last too long but it’s great to walk out of there after watching that