Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Did World Rugby tell them how to play off the competition ffs :joy::joy:

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apt that you’re comparing the governance of a World Cup in rugby to the West Junior B Limerick championship



Oh that’s a headshot

Look mate, I don’t know what’s going on behind the printer with you but it’s obvious you’re not coping well at all with the ribbing that goes on here.

I’ve responded in the past when you constantly tag me calling me a coward and a bully and whatever else you decide I am at any given time. In future, I’ll let you off and you can think what you want about me.

I don’t want to be causing anyone distress outside of a bit of slagging and a ball hop.

I don’t think many people on here are bad blokes, yourself included, I don’t think many people on here actually give a fuck who you are IRL. You come out swinging, then can’t take it back.

If you need to talk about anything, like an adult, I’m available on PM’s.

I don’t like seeing you like this



It’s only a laugh on here. If lads arent comfortable having balls hopped off them then they should say it and refrain from doing it themselves.

It’s all good natured and never anything personal.

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questionable… but it’s tremendous fun

Shut up you cunt


Hey … stop hopping your balls off me.

Junior B Football is Box Office.


There has been threats made by @BarneyCurley to a number of lads on here . They have a right to be worried . Saying he knows this and that about them. Limerick is a very fucking small place .I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe,” “Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.”


He threatened me last night. I was so shaken I couldn’t fire fragile luggage around with my usual gusto until midway through my shift



Cheers guvnor.

I can see the flaws in world rugby v clearly. Notable you are straight on the defensive about your co board. Like lemmings

Gil is in ribbons this week.

He’s very stressed. Ireland are one win away from his ultimate nightmare: Ireland being favourites for the word cup and needing to deliver AND dancing the possibility of a homecoming that’ll be attended by Anto and Jacinta.

Leave off Gil for the time being

@anon61878697 is an absolute bollox.

Agreed. He always left me sort a few olives in the old days in the market.

How does everyone think the intermediate final will go the weekend ? Thoughts?