Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

that’s a very open and intimate question.

If there’s era’ sign of rain Marguerite will put the names in an envelope and proceed with the draw.
It seems to work worldwide and will remove the threat of a delay so the C/B can get on with things.

Playing matches in October is only for mucksavages.

Glenroe cud possibly shade it by 2-3 max !

If NCW keep 15 on the pitch they’ve a decent chance in this one.

They’ve good scoring forwards that will trouble the Glenroe fullback line.

Chance of JBM swinging across Bryan Nix as he marks him?

he’ll do it before the throw in


Garaunteed I would say

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Haven’t gotten a shifting like this since Coolios 2001 and one of the townie girls nearly tore the foreskin off me. Thanks for looking out for me bro :ok_hand:

Ah JBM isnt like that no more . he used to get carried away in his younger days to be fair but he is a torn in many sides in hurling and football.
Some big battles on Sunday , can NCW’S full forward line keep up the scoring against that they have showed in last few games .
Everyone is talking about glenroes full back line could be in trouble , I think NCW’S full back line are there for the taking , one or two suspect men in there.
The main battle for me is whether walsh picks up big mike mac or plays sweeper or even ends up at centre forward. Walsh is key, he is the man that can swing this i think along wit mark o’connell who is prob one the best forwards in limerick on his day.
NCW hav to have the likes of young B NIX and young kelly hitting the scores, the likes of Steven Nix Mike Mac , Hurleys and S brown (if back from injury) need to all hit form as they are quite up against it to be fair.
Glenroe by a few points to have the ditches lighting by 6pm on sunday eve id say.

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JBM is a snake but he’s cute enough, he won’t be pulling across Nix and getting a red card. It’ll be snaky off-the-ball stuff and constant mouthing.

I’d agree NCW’s full-back line isn’t great but do Glenroe have the inside line to exploit that? O’Connell is a good hurler but he’s been well held in a lot of big matches. Junior Walsh is the real threat in their forward line imo.

Stephen Walsh would be wasted marking Mike Mac, I think. Mike Mac’s a handful but Walsh is too good a hurler to have doing that. I think they’ll need him as a scoring threat too.

NCW just seem to be playing with a lot of confidence now. They’ll always bring work rate but with raw pace in attack, coupled with hurling ability, they’ll win a mound of frees from the Glenroe backs.

Glenroe have been here plenty of times before. Have they matured as a team this year? I just think momentum seems to be with the townies. It’ll be interesting to see how either team get on at Premier next year, nice to have a different winner.

NCW will win it. I think their hurling ability is being underestimated all year. I’ve a feeling S Browne will play and will be back in the FB line to look after E Walsh. Diarmuid Kelly is as big a threat inside as Bryan Nix. The Hurleys, Mark Kelly and S Nix will form a solid middle third and they’ve plenty of hurling and pace (even though S Nix is slowing a bit he is hurling out of his skin).

NCWs weak links are their keeper, and corner backs. But they might get away with it.

NCW by 4

'Breaking my balls ’ I dont think NCW have played a team like Glenroe yet to be fair , Croom prob best team they met this year and they are a very much ageing team but full credit to NCW they are playing fantasic hurling . S.Nix is hurling out of his skin yes but always prone to the wild pull and can be exploited if a mobile 11 marks him , kelly and young nix in trouble against Glenroe as they will be physically pushed around in my opinion on sunday.
Yes you might be right about S.Brown picking up junior walsh to curtial him, he has caused probs for lot of teams this year , they would have had a lot of battles down through the years playing against eachother.
I think Glenroes half forward line will cause big issues for NCW .
Ur right on there keeper very poor puckout but not bad shop stopper .
Glenroe have the walshs and the o’connells and big bench , cant see past them but could be proven wrong

I think we are definitely the most in-form team but Glenroe are clearly the better outfit. We do have the forwards to hurt these backs I feel, and it could be an excellent high scoring match for the neutral. Considering where we were in April - losing our first two fairly convincingly and facing the fear of a relegation final - it’s unbelievable to see us come this far. It’s all down to confidence i think, they are brimming with it at the moment between the big ball as well. Should be some game. I predict a draw

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Hon the townies

Poor mouth alert

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Lot of people tipping NCW. Hope there luck doesnt run out …
I see Paul O’Grady the ex limerick hurler is training them he has them in good shape to be fair but the dual status as a club at senior level always counts .
glenroe are trained by ex limerick/dublin hurler Maurice O’Brien , he has them playing a lovely passing fluid game, he has really got the best out of Mark O’Connell this year and his middle third hurling out there skin …
If NCW can keep Junior walsh from doing lot of damage up front, Mark O’Connell and stephen walsh from delivering high quality ball to the forwards they cud possibly have a chance.
Would they survive premier i dont know …
Some craicing hurling coming up between all inter and junior

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Hello JBM.


I remember we played Glenroe at home in the league earlier on in the year and lost by 5 or 6. We were also missing Bryan Nix, all the Hurley’s and Lee Woulfe so that would make me hopeful of Sunday

I imagine JBM would have a much more aggressive posting style. He’d fit right in around here actually.

Yiyd struggle without hurleys.