Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

There’s hardly a mark on him in the video and seems well in control of himself

I’ve told you already that legal proceeding whether the aggrieved likes so or not will be going ahead.

In fairness, Malachy took some nice shots before landing his own del breaker so it’s harsh enough on him. Plus, I can’t see or hear the other chap indicating for the ruckus to stop.

Who says your man properly landed on him? … I’ve had a bottle beat off me and it did little damage.

Wait, did he get hit by the bottle or not?

He just said, OK I’ll stop…

At which point malachy planted him on the jaw when he’d stopped defending himself.

He had him telt already. That blow was unnecessary and cowardly

you’ll have to wait for Ryan’s version

who the fcuk filmed the thing and started sending it around? the biggest villain of the lot

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Is it the poor breeding the reason Mala did that?


I’m shitstirring btw, no idea.

It would want to be something fairly fucking bad to justify hitting a man like that.

Well he is half North Cork

Ah it did


What’s that? Yank miwadi is it?

Ah I dunno, if you’re in a row like that and have a head of steam up it’s hard to stop. If he’d let his guard down your man could just as easily have planted him one back. Maybe your man had already said he’d stop and started up again afterwards. If you go starting a row you don’t really have the call of when it stops

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We’ll try get him back to ye in one piece @Cicero_Dandi

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Your man had backed off and put his hands down. Ryan walked him down and planted him, he was clearly done man. It was calculated enough, he looked fairly steady on his feet and accurate so he cant have been that drunk. Drunken fights usually involve a lot of windmilling and falling

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Which was what was going on at the start of the short clip

The tall chap was plastered. Ryan walked him down

You are underestimating the Pallas in him