Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

They play hard. But work hard. When they arrive home and season starts that’ll be that

Thats working out well. Same shit being tolerated again

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By the limerick fans and the limerick media

Actions are being taken even as we speak.


I think everyone needs to calm down. We’re organising a virtual chanting of “Limrick, Limrick” at 18:00 tonight. All are welcome to join us. It will soothe the nerves and restore clarity.


Clashing with the Angelus

I’ll be driving but I will try to time it so I’m in the Kildare Village jacks so I can type “Limerick Limerick Limerick” on the private forum at 18:00


You’re a good kid.

I’m 100 percent and only an idiot would defend what’s been happening.


@anon23727452 has been vindicated


What about the story about jps stooge turning up a well known city pub a few days after the all Ireland and telling them their family business would be finished if they mentioned their pub getting destroyed by the squad ?

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Limerick Hurling are the Prince Andrew of the GAA.


That Limerick player could be getting a tap on the shoulder from law enforcement when he tries to board a plane back to Oireland.

Already on the way back…

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Their ‘fixer’ wont be much use to them when the DA comes calling

He’s already home. I actually saw him drawing silage there earlier. You might think drawing silage in mid November is odd, but this is Pallasgreen we are talking about.


Believe me Bandage would think nothing odd about drawing silage in November


He’ll be welcome back up here for the Poc Fada again next year. No shortage of mountain men ready for an aul scrap

I suppose so!