Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

This is the crux of it — 98.5% of the panel are very decent lads… you’re always gonna get a couple of stupid fuckers on a panel at any time – Look at Cathal Barrett , Darren Gleeson et al on the Tipp panel. Connolly in Dublin and the rape apologist Mikey Harte in Tyrone … Let the two lads go… One was probably gonna do well to make the panel anyway — dropping the other sends out a clear message… he can come back in 2021 when he grows up a bit.

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The Tipp panel were notorious for their bad behaviour earlier this decade, wrecking pubs and a few assaults thrown in for good measure For the most part, they have matured and consequently the rumour mill regarding them has quietened. People are forgetting the young age profile of the Limerick panel; as they grow older, things will quieten down


Yes, they are … A couple of young lads doing stupid things with drink in them … we’ve all been there ffs.

The two lads in this incident should be binned for the year and that’s that.

What about the other other incidents? Some lad apparently assaulting a player the night of the county final? John kiely didn’t have the balls to bin the guard who was still on the sideline even after he was arrested.

Much ado about nothing. Shur didn’t Tommy Walsh fong Eoin Larkin into the head when he was on the ground in Nowlan Park during a row in training.
The real villain he is the cunt who recorded closely followed by the cunt let it out into the wild.


From my understanding John had drawn a line after those incidents — he has tried to let the players police themselves - and that incident didnt exactly happen on squad time … anyway, they were warned about behaviour and phones recently and this betrayal has hurt him… He has learned the hard way that you cant be friends with players… it’s a shame as most of that squad are great lads…

All Dan wants is an end to the hypocrisy


I’m sure he is very pleased that swift and decisive action as been taken.

What was your man who got the slap doing following them out to New York? Never meet your heroes they say.

@dodgy_keeper didn’t deserve that

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@dodgy_keeper was gone in the head at that stage, he kept shouting “ole’s at the wheel” in Ryan’s face

Preach brother

By God. Some nest of snakes in Limerick.

@Your_Mums_Athletic badly exposed here



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Your man taking it from here and making it look like he has contacts :joy:


If it was true you’d same something :joy::joy: