Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Forever. That’s the deal.

No mate. Every day is a new day.

And another day for you to share your knowledge

G’wan, share. Even an auld tidbit with names removed for posterity

Even the tabloids have it now ! Bad enough this shit gets recorded but to then be circulated to the point of self destruction is mind blowing

Does any one think this will matter a fuck come next May .

The real story here is that a bunch of young roasters from limerick went to one of the world’s great cities and went drinking in some oirish slophouse at a GGA fundraiser .

The punch isn’t the real issue here. It’s just another incident in a long list since the all Ireland final in 2018. The real issue is the people facilitating the cover ups which are well known. If you continually allow a bunch of young lads a long leash and allow them to behave like they are above the law this kind of stuff will happen over and over again. Hopefully none of them end up dead or something but as it’s being pointed by many astute observers it’s too late now for this management to nip it in the bud. They haven’t a leg to stand on. It should have been done months ago. There’s a wonderful book called boys will be boys: The glory days and party nights of the Dallas cowboys Dynasty. A must read.


The signs were there minutes after the All Ireland final win when they were singing about that IRA terrorist Sean South in the dressing room.

That’s Seán Sabhat to you, you proddy bollix


Remarkable insight by half the panel.

South was a controversial character. One of the few from the “Republic” who stood up to the sectarian bastards north of the border in the only language they understood, but was also an apparent raving anti-semite (although in his defense calling out rich Jews in Hollywood as a moral threat was common enough at the time).

Isn’t Gillane the poster boy for some Charity? Who in their right mind thought it to pick him of all players? Even in his own club, Lynch is a much better role model. No doubt JP will once again cover this up. Very poor cop on from those Limerick lads in fairness. I always feel inter county lads should be given a bit of leeway, but the amount these Limerick hurlers seem to get is absolutely ridiculous. There’s been a consistent leak of nasty news coming from this camp for over a year now


I’d say the worst is yet to come.

In fairness you were warning of this when many on here were claiming none of the panel took a drink.


And fighting in the street like they were behind in the square in NCW

Dan never sleeps. His mission is to hold Limerick to account.

He’s been in a jocker for some time now, flailing around but never landing a punch. He could take a few tips from Malachy

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Waving his handbag around.

You’d almost feel sorry for him

I’m pleased for him in a way.

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You can say Eire when it suits so you’ll call him Seán Sabhat in future you hun tan bastard.