Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Smell of campfire :smile:

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Apparently there was a long running issue between Malachy and this chap.

Is the second panel member going on the All Star tour?

The Cleveland Browns would be a much more accurate comparison for this Limerick team to be honest

Did Ryan give it a smack or something?

100% correct and true. They should have listened to us pal. They are sorry now

The Claw has spoken

Thinly veiled ‘‘Its not like anyone got stabbed or anything’’

Did anyone walk on anyones head? No? Then whats the big deal?


It’s just the anti Limerick meeja making all these drug dealing and scrapping videos and putting them online

This Limerick team actually won something unlike the Cleveland Browns mate.

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They don’t have knacker of the year awards in the states mate

You’re clutching at more straws than a masturbating scarecrow you misfortune.


Whatever. Limerick lads giving it big licks for months about staying in JPs 10k a night hotel rooms and lording it in Adare manor now getting stroppy when it all comes back to bite them in the ass. Ye were well warned mate don’t be taking it out on the messengers

If kiely was half a Man he’d have told McManus where to go when the forced the team to go on holidays in the middle of October which destroyed club teams build up to county final. He didn’t. You’d apes on here defending the decision. You reap what you sow.

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Gillane is the bigger gobshite in all this in my opinion


Exactly. @Copper_pipe and the other screaming Mary’s crying into their pints now. This was well fore-warned and easily avoided. But no, living inside JPs filthy rich hole is much more important than the good of Limerick hurling. You reap what you sow

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Galway lads still seething over a team of kids mugging them off in 2018.

“We only played for five mins and only lost by a point.”

The ridiculous team photo they tried to charge the people of limerick an arm and a leg for too don’t forget. Multiple incidents in Cancun, assault cases, drink driving charges, how many free dinners and booze nights in martinstown, the guard who’s under investigation for corruption patrolling the sideline line, how many free suits, more free holidays and many other incidents. It should have been nipped in the bud. McManus and kiely created these monsters.


Deflect Deflect Deflect

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