Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

I wonder what the gpa make of it all?

I’d say they are sour enough it was the only part of the weekend televised


The beginning of the end image


They tried to fleece their own fans for 300 quid

Lord of the Manor needs the money

The squad wore this abomination in Boston image

Than for public sale they sold this: image this was designed for two reasons 1) they didn’t want the ordinary man wearing a jersey with the manor on it. They are beneath the manor. Jp doesn’t believe the ordinary man should be allowed on the manor. 2) tell every other sponsor limerick is a closed book and we’ve so much money we don’t need a sponsor

Until Limerick tell jp thanks but no thanks we’ll go nowhere anytime soon. I personally don’t believe kiely should be left in charge of the squad either if he knew about all these cases and was happy to turn a blind eye repeatedly. We need a route and branch clear out.

Jesus, your worse than the Galway lads. Take a breath.

Fuck that all the personal abuse I took on here off “limerick supporters” like @breakingmyballs @Batigol and @Esso_Oil Over the last few months I’m well entitled to ram it down their throats.

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Ye are all mental :joy: Holding grudges and trying to score points against fellas ye’ve never even met in real life

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If you’d listened to him in the first place you’d be in a much better place

For all the lurkers -

Limerick fans stayed silent while the rot set in. We are now getting what we deserved. The farce of the holiday in the middle of the club championship was the worst of all. If there was a spine in limerick gaa all teams should have refused to play.

The footballers should get the lions share of the loot going forward. Legends like Quane and Galvin must be horrified at what’s going on. Fuck the hurlers.


They’d appreciate it.

That’s full true.

JP came in flashing the cash Epstein style and people lost the run of themselves. Young lads got carried away, auld lads who should have known better turned a blind eye, a great team now a passing joke at one of @balbec dinner parties.