Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

What’s that got to do with anything? That’s nothing on what the Tipp lads were up to FFS :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

It’s truly insane what is going on. I haven’t seen a collective meltdown like it since Brexit

By God.

Would it be possible to run a search there with the following paramaters (i) limerick poster (ii) reference to sean o brien pissing on a fellas leg

Prosecutions were handed down, the sweep sweep was ignored and proper order.

Applacrumbled saw it coming in fairness. But rather than listen they singled him out for a wretched bullying campaign


Where are the lads? We want answers.

It’s utter GUBU

@myboyblue nailed it when he posted this.

God knows what we’re going to hear next.


I don’t know what that post is supposed to mean.

I wouldn’t condone any wrongdoing, whether it’s a Limerick hurler or not.

I just think it’s gas for a Tipp lad to be commenting considering Tipperary of the last few years have to have had the most criminals and thoroughly dislikeable players of any gaa team I can think of. (There are of course a few sound fellas on the Tipp team also)

@myboyblue had his finger on the pulse on this one, he was warning about this exact stuff happening from way off


It was like he’d seen it happen before

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They wouldn’t listen and they are sorry now

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Then the likes of @glasagusban lands in windmilling about the place trying to change the narrative by throwing shit at Tipperary! While Limericks house falls asunder around them. That’s what has them the way they’re are. They’d be better off investing their energies into getting their own house in order. You couldn’t make it up!
@anon23727452 is the only one of them willing to face reality.


If even one or 2 of them had his back and listened they and their team might not be in the race to the bottom they are currently furiously engaged with. Some of the senior Limerick posters have some serious questions to answer. Would never have come to this under Dunph or SS** watch

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Jesus, you’re in a bad way :rofl:


He in particular looks scarred for life on the back of all this



Paul Browne gone from hurling panel?

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Ya he was worried for his safety


The ones with functional brains are bailing, Paul Browne, Shane O Neill, Graham Mulchahy

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